Image Frequent computer crashes happen because people press the W key too much. That key had been removed from all White House keyboards on my orders! Every time you press a W key, Bush knows what you're thinking... Also don't listen to static in your phone - you never know who may be playing with your brain. Some folks did that and wound up voting for W.

- Al Gore, People's Inventor

In Defense of Al Gore

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Nothing is so pathetic as watching the Left try to defend themselves. It's like watching a small child try to lie. In this regard I refer to the latest revelations about Al Gore and his huge electric bills:

(you can click this to go to the story)

I don't find Al Gore's enormous electricity bills and his hypocrisy to be nearly as interesting or revealing as the Left's defense of Al Gore. Revealing for what the defense doesn't say. Perhaps most interesting is the article from the Huffington Post that I found at the website:

(you can click this to go to the story)

The funny thing for me about this is that all the smear tactics used against The Tennessee Center For Policy Research that released this information, all the rationalizations used to justify Al Gore's enormous use of electricity and gas, Al Gore's statement that his energy use is offset by his purchase of energy credits (do any of you use so much electricity that you need to offset it with energy credits?) is all really beside the point.
Fifty years ago... forty years ago... even thirty years ago, no one would have had any problem with someone spending so much money on electricity or using so much natural gas to warm their house or flying around the world in his big jet plane. They had a phrase back then that summed up the best defense ever devised for such behavior. It isn't a paradox that in the freest country in the world Al Gore not only can't use the oldest, best defense for his behavior, it would destroy him if he did use it. I'm sure the defense doesn't even occur to Al Gore or his fellow travelers. The best defense Al Gore and his fellow travelers could use to defuse this new revelation of his hypocrisy is to simply state in clear language:

"It's my money. This is a free country. I can spend my money however I want."

This is what everyone that drives a SUV that only gets 9 miles a gallon should say. It's what everyone that wants to fly just for the fun of it should say. It's what everyone that wants to do whatever goes against the latest Left Wing fad of the moment should say.

But Al Gore can't use this defense. Funny isn't it, that saying a simple statement that "this is a free country and I can spend my money however I damn well please" would be the beginning of the end of Al Gore and destroy him. The man who would be the leader of the free world wouldn't be able to survive the political fallout of simply saying to his critics that this is a free country and he can spend his money however he wants. That says quite a bit about the present culture, let alone Al Gore.

But it is his only real defense. And I for one stand up proudly and say this is a free country. I can spend my money however I want. It's my money. Will Al Gore? Does he have the balls to stand up for his own freedom? Does he have the brains to even understand that that is what is in the balance?

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His Excellency, former Vice-Premier Albert Gore Jr. does in fact have a defense, class-enemy Halliburton. His defense (like mine) is simple progressive mathematics... or as I like to call it, "maf".

Less people polluting Mother Earth (you and 98% of the rest of the population) will allow the likes of Al Gore and I (The Elitist 1%) to "consume" and "use" all the resources we could possibly want while increasing the amount of time it will take to deplete these resources. See, its all very simple. By allowing us the rights to consume, we in effect will prevent you and everyone else that very right... thus "conserving" the resources for future generations, the children, the Greater Good, and whatever helps the idiots sleep at night. I suggest you look into the Constitution because it clearly says that everyone has to be equal (in stone-age poverty) while only 1% get to live in the lap of morally acceptable luxury... it's all there, all you have do is read it you knuckle-dragging moron. Here, let me break it down for you and your peon cronies:

98% of America's population consuming resources at it's present rate = total depletion of the world's natural resources in 2 years.

1% of the Progressive Elite consuming resources at current collective rate = enough resources to last an eternity.

(NOTE: the other 1% is necro-proxies who will be awarded resources for their selfless actions in advancing Global Socialism.)

See... IT'S SCIENCE DAMMIT! You can't argue with science! Now give me your damn money and whatever else you have that took a lifetime to earn and work for!

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Gods need no defense! Al Gore is the nature god incarnated into human form to bring guilt and expensive solar panels to all.