America the Circus

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My name is Francis,a 10 year progressive using under an alias email! Unfortunately my sister Angie has fought the sweetindoctrination to a universal utopia! Here is an account of my fightwith the conservative criminals pushing the anarchy that comes withindividual freedom! Do not be fooled! Individual freedom leads toindividuality and that's just selfish!


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Quite wise Comrade Francis! Your recognition of the evils of individual thinking at such a young age only fuels hope that we have indeed made inroads in the transformation of this imperialist society from metooism to Maosim, from realism to Hope, from so called liberty to self debasement. You will go far in our collective Comrade, though at the same rate and limits as all the others.

This latest move by the Obama assministration has me totally steamed. At least for awhile, under the steadying influence of pain killers and other distractions, I could, with great effort, imagine that Obama's administration was simply a case of little kids being thrust into power that have no clue about what this country is about. Sadly, with every day it seems that passes, it is clear that we literally have a group of elitists that are bound and determined to destroy the country we once called the United States of America. So what do we do now?