
World's Evilest Thugs Shocked as GOP Takes Hell Hot Spot

(Dante's Inferno, 7th Level) - Senator Dick Durbin's (D-IL) comment "The hottest ring in Hell is reserved for those in politics who attack their opponents' families" made to NBC's Norah O'Donnell has sent shockwaves to evil thugs around the world, who thought they were a shoe-in for the top hot spot in the eternal pit of damnation and hellfire. An assortment of Nazis, Communists, terrorists, and other violent and sadistic figures were found consoling each other shortly after Durbin's official announcement.

Image This is not the first Durbin's statement that has had international thugs peeved. In 2006 he also compared Nazis and Communists to the US troops, dashing the hopes of many in the US Armed Forces, who naively believed that liberating Iraq and pacifying the Middle East would put them in the top spot. And now he denied them even the hottest ring of Hell.

"I was really looking forward to the hottest ring of hell, which has got to be a lot cooler than Falujah," said SPC Smith who is serving his third tour in Iraq. "But since the place has been reserved for Obama's critics I guess I'll have to wait 'til Halliburton gets into the air conditioning business, or maybe I'll just borrow Joe Stalin's sweater."

"I really thought we had the hottest spot locked up after starting a war in Europe that killed 60 million, including over six million of God's chosen people," said Dr. Joseph Goebbels, a spokesperson for the National Socialist German Workers Party. "If we had known that the hottest ring in Hell is reserved for those who challenge a Democrat politician's wife, we would've called Eleanor Roosevelt a bitch and saved the world an awful lot of trouble," he added with dismay.

"What does a guy have to do to get some props up in here?" said an incredulous Joseph Stalin. "No offense to the Nazis, but we killed over 20 million of our own citizens and we are still playing second fiddle to the GOP!" bemoaned the one-time 'Gardener of Human Happiness,' who looked very upset.

"After all those cold Russian winters I was looking forward to the hottest part in Hell. Maybe my friends at the People's Cube will knit me a red sweater so I don't get chilly in the second hottest part of hell," humbly added the erstwhile Great Architect of Communism, Coryphaeus of Science, Father of Nations, and Brilliant Genius of Humanity.

"Since we only killed around two million people we always knew we were a dark horse for number one, but we felt that what we lacked in quantity we would make up for with the savage way we did it," sighed Cambodian communist dictator Pol Pot. "I tip my red cap to the GOP. They just simply outplayed us. Still I am proud of all my men and I wouldn't change a single play. They just left it all out there on the Killing Field and you gotta respect that," said Pol Pot, adding that he was looking forward to earning the top spot next year.

Dick Durbin said he didn't believe combining the positions of a Hell's spokesperson and a Democrat Senator presented a conflict of interest.


User avatar
Excellent point Ted State, now we know the rules:

Suggesting that there may be a slight shred of evidence that the potential first lady could possibly be a just a little tiny bit of a militant gets you into the inner circle, as it were,

but something like this is OK;
"... But she [granny] is a typical white person who, uh, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know there's a reaction that's been been bred into our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way and that's just the nature of race in our society. We have to break through it..." - Senator Barack Obama

Lucky for McCain that he fights like a girl and wouldn't dare say anything that might be politically incorrect.

User avatar
I found the tournement info.

Image It was a tough first round with the GOP beating out the Zionists, but clearly, the GOP is more evil. Pol Pot offered little resistance to Imperial Japan, and Stalin and Al Qaeda, while each crowd darlings fought down to a near draw, with Stalin only edging out the Muslim fanatics in the final minutes. Mao's China was clearly less evil than Nazi Germany, who sailed through.

In the final four the GOP again trounced the competition. The Russians and the third Reich fought a bitter battle that made have left Stalin weakened thereby contributing to their loss against the GOP. No matter though, the GOP emerged triumphant as most evil regime in history. Coach Karl Rove was quoted as saying. "We couldn't be prouder." He was then asked what does he think clinched the competition for the GOP. Rove said "I'm pretty sure our ability to unleash a hurricane on our detractors was what finished the Soviets."

From Hell, I'm RIK

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... Illinois Senator (D) Dick Durbin's comment "The hottest ring in Hell is reserved for those in politics who attack their opponents families" ...

As opposed to Senators that compare our interrogation techniques at Gitmo to "... the Nazi, Soviet, and Pol Pot regimes ...".

Breaking the Durbin Code

User avatar
And then Americans ask "Why do they hate us?" As if anybody still has any doubts.

Nice job, Comrade Ted State. I hope you don't mind me adding a little bit of graphics and other embellishments to your informative reporting of the Current Truth.

User avatar
Interesting how everyone imbibes the myth of hell. True party members know there is no such thing - it is a story told to children (and AmriKKKans) to keep them under control and provide a basis for sensitivity trianing.

User avatar
I have spoken with a comrade who used to work for DICK Durbin's campaign. He was totally impressed by Dick's blank stare and un-ending love for PC talk.

I am proud to say that Dicky is from my socialist state of Illinois, he represents all us comrades here very well.

User avatar
I want to clarify to the other comrades here, my name is pronounced "E-Van" not "Eye-Van" I am from South America, not Mother Russia. Gracias.

User avatar
Stop it Comrades! Stop it!!! Here is a humble Commissar, trying to drink a little beet coffee in the morning, and can't hardly get a sip down without spewing all over my monitor this morning! Brilliant analysis! However, I still wonder if Pol Pot would have lost to Japan in a double elimination format. But who's to cast broken bones?

User avatar
Commissar Pupovich wrote:But who's to cast broken bones?
I nominate your former La. Governor Kathleen 'I need 24 hrs. to decide' Blanco. She is well qualified to do that.

Alexandra von Maltzan wrote:her evacuation solution for New Orleans i.e."Starve the city dwellers to force them into the countryside" does not look anything like the organized efforts of the most powerful first nation, but rather resembles the strategies of the gruesome regime of the Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot.
<br>As you can see, Pol Pot continues to inspire progressive and merciful ruling classes everywhere. Click here to see a tasteful arrangement of skulls and bones waiting to be cast for the Greater Good(TM).

A plague on you, comrade...

... you continually fail to recognize that Senator Durbin only has our best interests at heart when he spews this hateful rhetoric. After all, how are we ever to win over our enemies if we don't dutifully parrot their propaganda, especially if it is aimed at our own nation?

Furthermore, did you not get the memorandum that it is racist to question, criticize or oppose The Messiah(tm) or Her Holiness(tm) in any way? Our highest moral obligation in this election season is to support The Messiah(tm), and if we cannot do that, than to at least not oppose Him.

If you persist in writing such hateful diatribes against The Messiah(tm) or any of his acolytes, you will leave me with no choice but to report you to a re-education camp (aka a public school), where you will be thoroughly immersed in The Doctrine Of The Messiah(tm).

Shape up, comrade.


User avatar
Comrade Cube, I for one need no reminders of the amazingly progressive plans of Gov. Blanco during the hurricanes. Katrina, New Orleans, and the State of Louisiana's response was a shining example of progressive leadership. But even the most progressive minds were unable to foresee that the Bush-Haliburton team had developed the means to control hurricanes, and the hurricane gave cover for Cheney and Rove to lead their elite SEAL (Synthetic Explosives Against Levee) teams in.

User avatar
That looks like a load of necro voters Comrade Cube.


User avatar
It seems Dick forgot about the NRA.

Or are they included in the "evil" corporations?

<img width="500" src=" ... estart.jpg">

User avatar
Rikalonius wrote:I found the tournement info.

Image It was a tough first round with the GOP beating out the Zionists, but clearly, the GOP is more evil. Pol Pot offered little resistance to Imperial Japan, and Stalin and Al Qaeda, while each crowd darlings fought down to a near draw, with Stalin only edging out the Muslim fanatics in the final minutes. Mao's China was clearly less evil than Nazi Germany, who sailed through.

In the final four the GOP again trounced the competition. The Russians and the third Reich fought a bitter battle that made have left Stalin weakened thereby contributing to their loss against the GOP. No matter though, the GOP emerged triumphant as most evil regime in history. Coach Karl Rove was quoted as saying. "We couldn't be prouder." He was then asked what does he think clinched the competition for the GOP. Rove said "I'm pretty sure our ability to unleash a hurricane on our detractors was what finished the Soviets."

From Hell, I'm RIK

Wow....Al Qaeda didn't even place...

Oh, yeah, now that I think about it, they're all in paradise.

I hope you don't mind me adding a little bit of graphics and other embellishments to your informative reporting of the Current Truth.

Not at all Comrade! Embellishing the current truth is what the Party does best! Isn't that why we all work together for the "Greater Good?"

User avatar
Islamic extremists revise old slogans to match the current truth:


User avatar
Our friend Doug Ross posted this on his blog:

Top 10 Barack Obama smears you might not have heard before

The Obama campaign has established a web site that attempts to address the smears and urban myths surrounding his upbringing and candidacy. The following list of lesser-known rumors may yet cause Obama's campaign some anguish and hand-wringing.

SMEAR #10. Barack Obama spelled backwards in Urdu yields the phrase "Janet Reno."
TRUTH: It spells "Party Time".

SMEAR #9. At a child's birthday party, Obama beat Barney senseless with a two-by-four and a chain.
TRUTH: Barney had asked Obama to stop smoking at which point the candidate gently escorted the dinosaur out of the room. Any injuries Barney may have sustained were due solely to "falling down the stairs."

SMEAR #8. While growing up in Indonesia, Obama studied to be a professional snakehandler.
TRUTH: Obama studied witchcraft.

SMEAR #7. In 1993, he and spiritual adviser Father Pfleger saw God after doing shots of Windex.
TRUTH: Neither he or Father Pfleger saw God after drinking Windex.

SMEAR #6. Obama killed a man in Reno "just to watch him die."
TRUTH: It was just a hitchhiker who jumped in front of Obama's SUV while he was driving on the berm. And it was in Toledo, not Reno.

SMEAR #5. Obama cheated William Ayers out of $25,000 during a game of Yahtzee.
TRUTH: It was only $5,000 and the game was "Connect:Four".

SMEAR #4. When asked for a campaign donation by Obama, the Dalai Lama responded that he could not contribute money, but "when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness."
TRUTH: Obama has never met the Dalai Lama, but once met Richard Gere during a fundraiser for destitute gigolos.

SMEAR #3. Jeremiah Wright, the candidate's controversial pastor, once belonged to The David Duke Book Club.
TRUTH: Wright's check to the club bounced, and therefore he was never a member.

SMEAR #2. Barack Obama still believes in Eliot Spitzer's innocence.
TRUTH: Obama simply does not believe engaging a prostitute is cheating so long as "you don't look her in the eye."

SMEAR #1. If elected President, Obama promised his supporters he will add Che Guevera to Mount Rushmore.
TRUTH: Obama will add Lenin.

User avatar

Ok, heres me being picky. Sorry if people get all 'get over it' or 'sheesh' but as former Army, that pic of the soldier is clearly a Specialist (SPC) not a PFC as is stated in the caption as you can see from the black shield on his kevlar.
Sorry I know it's picky, but thats what the Army did to me. ;)


User avatar
Thanks, Comrade O'Brien, for sharing the information that I would've never known about the ranks in the army of the enemies of the progressive mankind. We've always been on the other side, you know. It is through the efforts of glorious infiltrators like yourself that we are capable to maintain a semblance of reality in our reporting. The abbreviation has been changed and the guilty have already been punished.

User avatar
Not a problem Comrade Red Square!

I always operate under the philosophy of 'Know your Enemy'. For if you know your enemy, you know how they think, and if you know how they think, you can anticipate their moves, and if you can anticipate their moves, you can defeat them! Much in the way the hated evil capitalist soldier LTG Patton did to the Facist Rommel in northern Africa, though he may have been a MG at the time, I'll have to consult my research.
But we all know how he wanted to attack the peaceful Russians at the end of the Great Patriotic War, after they helped the hated capitalists!! Goes to show you can't trust America....



User avatar
If Cheney and Bush are sentenced to the center ring of Hell, where will Satan move George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to?

User avatar
Welcome Comrade 9, we like your avatar. The Party will forward your question to Dick Durbin, the official spokesperson for the Prince of Darkness who also happens to be a Supreme Superdelegate.<br><br>But be patient because Satan surely has a lot on his plate right now after having mistakenly endorsed Hillary for president...<br><br><a href="viewtopic.php?t=1791"><span>Hillary picks up endorsement by Supreme Superdelegate</span><br> </a><br><a href="viewtopic.php?t=1791"><img src="/images/Hillary_Satan_150.jpg" border="0" height="95" width="150"></a>

User avatar
Now that was a mistake. She's going to do awful things to him....

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Here is proof the Party is God. Senator Durbin, as we know, is part of the Party, so he has to have seen what Hell looks like. No suprise it's filled with Reactionaries and the center of it all is George W. Bush.

User avatar
What is this "God" you speak of? Darwin never mentioned any "God"... I'm confused....

User avatar
Premier! He is Comrade Elliot is quite correct, He said the Party is God, Party = State. The "ism's" did not abandon religion, they merely refocus it on the true source of power, benevolence, and creativity.... the collective wills of the people and their leaders.

User avatar
Premier Betty wrote:I'm confused....
Allow me to explain Premier Betty. See, the State created everything we see around us, because The Party is an omnipotent force we call "God". If you are part of The Party, like Senator Durbin is, he is given great power of creation because The Party allows him to. The Party however, can't bring all to their Enlightment, as such, The Party had to of created a place for Counter-Revolutionist to go when they die. All RethugliKKKans and other Reactionary catch-alls are sent here for their obserdity of questioning The Party.

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Don't think Premier.... feel the truth! Feel the truth!

User avatar
Ow! Ow! Ow!!

The truth hurts....


User avatar
Premier, if the truth hurts, then you know what must be done! Avoid tt or change it!

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A good excuse to plug my favorite comic strip:







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Comrade Cube, have you heard that there will be no fired foods at any sponsored event in Denver? Is that the latest word? We are to be exclusive to fried foods? Won't that make fried food comrades feel bad?

I wonder how much longer we will have to wait for the power to tell people that they cannot fry foods anymore?

I anxiously await my comrades opinions.