I am His Excellency President for Life, Field
Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC
['Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the
Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea
and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa
in General and Uganda in Particular, and
Professor of Geography.[/floatleft-nb]

Supreme Endorsement - Hillary Presidency

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That's what I figured, but I came across the show on my TV box, and the name jumped out at me.

I personally had this in mind whenever you spoke of him:

This is Azis, a Bulgarian pop-folk singer. I couldn't find a website for him/her, so a Wikipedia article will have to suffice.


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The thighs are rather androgenic, aren't they? And so gawdawful that you ignore that skirt--or whatever it is. I'll bet you the singing is a thin wailing sound. But if you've seen Bulgarian women, there's not much to choose, is there?

Oddly enough, I saw a documentary about American Samoa, where some men are arbitrarily set aside to be raised as women, to have another set of hands around the house, hands that will not have children and be occupied with them. They dress as women and <i>that's the important thing</i>. Straight men wanting some go to the beach where these people hang around and they do it, but because one of them has assumed the social role of a woman therefore it is not homosexuality. It's the clothing that matters.

Under that thinking, coupling with Rosie O'Donnell wouldn't be homosexual sex unless she did it with a man.

I'm still trying to get my head around it. No one gay that I know says anything other than it's innate, from birth. It is. And a boy, an identical twin, was made into a woman when a circumcision was botched. He was given hormones thinking that sex was plastic but he peed standing up, wanted trucks and not dolls, and thought of suicide. The American experience is that it's hard-wired. But the South Pacific experience--Samoa, Fiji, Tahiti--is that it's social.

Me? I think it's a way to have a lot of fun and you can't believe some people's eyebrows when I blast our MTE and they found out I like the men. And I can't tell you how much fun I'm having--open in a small West Texas town, among rich white Republicans, a bit of a fixture in business, entirely too useful to be scorned, good reputation for probity, and in the middle of a huge oil boom. The most wonderful thing on earth is, after 50 years of cowering, being able to say to <i>anyone</i> "Fuck you." And the odd thing is that when people know you can, you don't have to.

That says a lot about people. It also says a lot about the human trait that makes liberals such incredible suck-ups to power.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:The thighs are rather androgenic, aren't they? And so gawdawful that you ignore that skirt--or whatever it is...

I just like his hotpants and C'boy boot combo. And you're right on about his/her singing.


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I have, I'm sorry to say, seen cowboy boots with hot pants on, er, Bruno. Better thighs though--a lot better. And my best friend's sister has a bad habit of hanging around only with gays, which is not entirely healthy for a pretty young woman for she's not engaging in her life and playing it too safe. Gays may be funny and may listen and may remember dates but they do not give you a family. One Halloween party a huge man whose name I cannot remember, a 100% gym queen, came dressed as a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. In Dallas.

Burned forever into my mind. I mean, aren't some things just sacred? Next we'll see, oh, I don't know, say, Rudy Guiliani dressed as, how's this for crazy? Marilyn Monroe.

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Think about that, Betinov, when you find a right to have sex with unspecified beautiful women. Just because in my world fun is easy to have for all men are willing all the time, it doesn't necessarily make it worth much.

Out of character, I think that one of the most damaging things the 1960s and 1970s accomplished was the Sexual Revolution. For sex to be good, not just pleasant mutual excercise, it has to be intimate on a psychological level as well as physical. Most of the women I've dated have turned out to have some serious problems (so far I've been attracted to a girl with multiple personalities, a compulsive gambler, a compulsive liar and three who were virulently estranged from either a parent or sibiling). This doesn't make them bad people to hang out with, but in retrospect I am very glad I did not go to bed with any of them.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:so far I've been attracted to a girl with multiple personalities, a compulsive gambler, a compulsive liar and three who were virulently estranged from either a parent or sibiling.

OMG! Ivan, we have been dating the same women. Sorry to say, I did sleep with them.

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ImageI have a problem with the idea of sexual preference outside male female for the obvious need for survival of the species, as being hard wired. For if being gay is "hard wired," what of the thousands of other sexual attractions men and women may lean? Is a shoe fetish or necrophillia also somehow something one is born to? No, clearly not, yet if not, I can certainly not see how an argument can be made for heterosexuality and homosexuality both being genetic, yet all others being environment and learning. I heard one very complicated yet plausible explanation from a most intelligent gay man I knew in the forums who neither took the stance that it was hereditary nor environmental. It was more than I can remember now, but it was most interesting and well considered. The beauty of his thinking was it would account for all forms of sexual attraction. Personally I tend to lean toward learning and environmental factors, and the reason boys usually are attracted to girls is because of the difference. But then I was basically a Skinner freak at one time.

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The most convincing argument that I have heard, and I may be treading on a banana peel here, is that homosexuality may be an improperly expressed phenotype. What is certain though that there is a definite genetic component. It's shot through my mother's side of my family--not enough to keep me from being born of course. But in the dilettante's degree, Wikipedia, some physiological differences are listed, plus my physician Michele has told me of some others. Different finger length, different brain structure, and, I promise I'm not making this up, gay men are supposed to have longer and thicker penises.

But the forcing of people into one mold or the other is actually fairly recent. The concept of homosexuality as we understand it, the exclusive attraction to the same sex, is only about 150 years old, defined by a German. Wouldn't you know that? A virtuous Roman male could have sex with anything--male, female, hired, slave--and every slave of the household was fair game. And he was supposed to have fun until marriage, when he was supposed to be a father and husband. Could stlll have fun. I read in <i>The Spectator</i>, a Brit publication, which goes on as you'd expect about Empire, about the monograph of of an English explorer in the early 20th century who did a favor for a Muslum caliph in the middle east and who was rewarded by a night in either of his brothels: 1500 boys or 1500 women and the Muslim suggested the boys.

Which gives yet another interesting thing, and you may avert your eyes here without prejudice. In South American culture the shame is being penetrated, and in the pederastic Greek relationships in the Greek states (Wikipedia again), there were various acceptable roles for the over and beloved (erastes and eromenos). The shame in penetration is that it places the man on the level of a mere woman, who was of course at the time a thing, chattel. (A sideline is Exodus 21, which will pop your eyes on the Hebrew Bible's opinion of women. You never heard <i>that</i> from a pulpit.)

In my life, which has not been that, er, adventurous for I am no iconoclast and am conservative, I have noticed that I had things in common with straight men who were womanizers--the chase. But also, and this really blew my mind the first time it happened, I knew someone, a very handsome man who made all other men in the room disappear when he walked in, who was a friend, who gave me hell about being gay, and once, after a very sudden death of a mutual friend when all was overwrought, he got suddenly drunk and wanted from me the one thing he could not get from a woman. This told me that it was sex. He's not gay and forcing him into that mold does him a disservice. He is, however, a sensualist.

Japanese prostitutes often keep a knotted silk rag which they insert into a man's bum and jerk out at the moment of release, to intensify it. This is because of simple physiological mechanism and means nothing. Same thing with my friend.

This does not explain however the queens. Bruno, who is as I said an exaggeration of Stacy--if he'd never had sex you'd know he was different.

I loathe touchy-feely words and run, screaming like a BEQ, from PC terms, but I must say that "bi-curious" seems useful.

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I promise I'm not making this up, gay men are supposed to have longer and thicker penises.

I guess that certifies my hetro credentials.....

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But what an inconvenience for a drag queen.

Ivan Betinov wrote:I guess that certifies my hetro credentials.....

That joke itself testifies to your credentials. There's entirely too much gay identity in the pecker. If there were an analogous operation to a boob job, gay men would pass out having sex from the blood flowing from the head on the top. And yes, it's silly. But there it is.

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I just read Exodus 21 Commissar Theocritus, and it is almost entirely dealing with servants and other property such as Oxen. Yes, they were treated differently. But in the end (and it puts fear in my heart to have used that expression), I guess I just don't see the connection with your reference,

The problem I have with genetics as influencing this is as I have said, if one concedes a genetic component for homosexual behavior, it would seem one would also have to concede a genetic component for all the many varieties of sexual attraction, both hetero and homo. Are people with a shoe fetish possessing some yet to be discovered genetic component? I don't know, and more importantly I don't believe anyone knows the answer, yet in the same manner we are asked to accept the global warming chant as fact, we are asked the same on this. What really gets me is when someone says they knew they were gay when they were 4 or 5 years old. Maybe it's just me, but I had no clue about sexual attraction at that age. I do believe that some people, perhaps all of us, will "remember" things that really didn't happen as we think, but they reinforce our current thinking,

On a similar vein, am I alone or have you ever had a memory that seemed so real, yet you couldn't be sure if it was an old memory or the memory of a dream event?

Oh well, this is probably a terrible topic to post on, and we have much bigger work to do, to prepare for the dawning of the Peoples State of America.

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No connection with the topic, merely a sideline only slightly linked by the idea that different peoples see things differently at different times. A common leftist conceit is to assume that the pieties du jour are eternal verities.

Pupovich wrote:On a similar vein, am I alone or have you ever had a memory that seemed so real, yet you couldn't be sure if it was an old memory or the memory of a dream event?
Yes, I have. I find that a very serious illness, even after recovery, causes that to happen. The dreams during the illness seemed, for me at least, to have worn a channel in my mind, if that makes any sense.[/quote]

About the genetic component. As I understand the phenotype/genotype idea, one is a predisposition and one is determinative. A shoe fetish, for example, could merely be an expression of the ability to sexualize things at all. People do not think it that strange to be attracted to say lingerie, I think because we think of who's going to wear it.

But I don't, frankly, have any problem with seeing a genetic basis in almost anything. After all, genes give us the very canvas on which our lives are painted. Genes determine our very makeup. Without genes there would be nothing to be gay or attracted to people of the same sex or to shoes or to our MTE--if such a thing is found, indeed, to exist in the universe, outside Mr. Reno.

The genes determine a latent ability, and other things would seem to shape how it is expressed. In this I do not see a difference between say someone with mathematical ability who majors in math and someone who is attracted to men who sleeps with them.

Perhaps only gay men know that they're attracted to men at so early an age but there is a possible explanation and that is looking back. I remember in grade school, about the 3rd grade, starting to notice boys when other boys were starting to notice girls. A friend, Ed, now a (celibate) priest, told me he was playing doctor under the bed at four. But from the time of sexual awakening, I knew. As do straight people I believe.

The problem is that I denied, hoping that things would kick in, until my 20s, causing a lot of problems. And if that weren't so perhaps I wouldn't be so objectionable now.

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Comrade Amin,

Are you, seriously, hitching your wagon to the dud candidacy of Hillary Clinton, the Scrotumed wonder??

We all know that hope reigns supreme for the collective in the person of Barack Obama.

Granted, Hillary's health plan is a move in the most beneficial direction of those who contribute the least to the Collective (namely, me).

That said, hitch your wagon to the rising star. The one who gives hope. HOPE, my bloodthirsty comrade!

Trust me, Ruler of all Beasts of the Earth and King of Scotland, all productive asses will bleed under the leadership of Obama, as they would under the leadership of Hillary.

Productive asses bleeding. Its like being at the Manhole Bar in Chicago. It kicks ass.

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Parasite wrote:Comrade Amin,

Are you, seriously, hitching your wagon to the dud candidacy of Hillary Clinton, the Scrotumed wonder??
Ah Parasite, I like your style, but you need to know what happens to those who screw up my title. I'm not a comrade, my little winged friend. I am "Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi AminDada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of theEarth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire inAfrica in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography."

Be careful to get it right, you don't want to get squashed, now do you? Hillary should have listened to me, now she's ha! ha! all screwed up.

Now, my little winged friend I have a job for you. I want you to buzz off and go get me the admin password to this sleepy website. I'll show you comrades how to wake up a website. Ha! ha!

Now off you go, Parasite, do what you do!
Practice my proper title while you buzz around. Ha! ha!

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You're Idi Amin, not Idi Admin, right? Or would you like to add "Administrator of The People's Cube" to your other titles? Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, Conqueror of the British Empire, President for Life, Field Marshall, and Administrator of The People's Cube?

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Mr Idi Yada Yada Yada..... just what have you done for Hope 'N Change lately? Hmmmm?

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Don't mispronounce his name! He will do terrible things to you! Terrible things!


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The Mighty Pup, Lord and Master of All He Surveys, the Grand Poobah, the Big Cheese, the Great and Fearsome Kahuna, Prince of All Time and Space, has never been one to take such pomposity as this necro voter Idi Yada Yad Yada seriously.

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You are doomed! DOOMED! Repent before he puts you in a big pot and cooks you!

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You forget Premier Betty, I am from Louisiana. Our zoo's are pretty much like other states zoos with one difference. Where other zoo's plaques end with a description of the species on display, ours have recipes. It is Dr, Imin Yada Yada Yada that best be careful, he has been fattened up quite nicely. I understand he was fattened with virgin girls on top of that, which means he would be really tender.

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Do what you will, but when the wrath of the Idi comes from you I will be relaxing in my lodge in Sweden wishing you a sad farewell.

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Why do you fear this Idi Yada Yada Yada Premier? If you look back you will see I have never submitted to using his name which is even more bloated than he is, yet here I am.

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Lucky, he nearly killed me for my abbreviation of his real name. I are jealous!

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How could such a bombastic blimp such as he ever hope to catch you? His only real power is his friendship with the Empress and his alleged supply of "pure" virgin blood. That Premier is a farce! Truth be told he has been suckering the Empress with tainted virgin blood for years.

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Really? Tainted with what?

He still scares me. You can never tell if threats are going to be hollow or not with Hillary supporters.

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Let's just say that there may be a little canine mix in that so called virgin blood.

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Now there is no need in going there is there Premier?

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I don't know, will this adversely affect me in any way? Is my knowledge of incriminating evidence any danger to myself? ...or you...?

I shall keep my mouth shut for a price. I require compensation for stuff that happened to me and I am holding your well being ransom.


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The way I see it, you have no evidence pointing at me, and for that matter, the Empress has more things to worry about than some corrupted virgin blood.

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I can while a lot and make a big stink about it, does that count as evidence?

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It would serve the Party good to shake up the complacency, But remember, these things have a way of backfiring.

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Hmm... how can I do this without me getting in trouble... hmmm...?

Ooh, I got it! I'll get a prole to dress up as Bush and have him go around spreading the rumors, and to interested comrades he will talk seriously to them convincing them of whatever it was we were just talking about. Then those interested will... do stuff... and those who aren't just ignore it. And if he gets caught, all he will be able to say is a loud kersplutch-ing sound due to his head exploding from a remote explosive planted in his brain. And then we just blame it on Bush.

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Or we could just forget the whole thing? LOL

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Never! I must have my revenge... I mean... um... get payment for my hard work blackmailing.

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Uh, but you haven't done any hard work yet, and should you engage in any hard work, I would be forced to turn you in!

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I mean, um... my uh... relaxing... um... actions in blackmailing. When me get money?

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Isn't it enough the way I covered for you when the Empress made her triumphant return?

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I need no covering. Sweden is my cover. I am safe here until the next emperor/empress is elected. Only they will know my true allegiance.

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Dr. Idi! What a nice surprise to see you...Bruno, didn't you put that hemlock in the sauce bearnaise like I told you to? Don't give me that shit, I don't care if you were saving it for the next time that Nansky came over, we needed for Idi...

Dr. Idi. Are you feeling well? Your color isn't just, quite, you, right now. Have a seat. Bruno will fetch you a drink

...Bruno, here's your chance and don't be such a great big Carter this time. Mach snell!

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Does this mean that I shouldn't eat anything?

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Betty, eat what you want. I have different things for different people. I have put things in your games which control you. Be very nice to me or I'll let Bruno have the password to your remote. He gets antsy when our MTE comes over and needs therapy.

You wouldn't like that.

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Not the remote! Anything but that! I just ordered the first season of Stargate SG1 from Netflix! I need my remote!!!

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You only think that you need your remote because I told you you need it.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Betty, eat what you want. I have different things for different people. I have put things in your games which control you.

Thank Lenin a dog has superior smell to detect chemicals in food, no opposable paw so needs no remote control etc. I am free of foreign influence!

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Completely free! Actually, they are all starting to look the same to me.

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Come on, how can you possibly compare the cute little animals navigating the maze of obstacles to the Party Approved teamwork of the mercenaries?

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Unless you are playing video games to improve your marksmanship for shooting proles, it is a waste of time.

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Commissar Theocritus, good to see you! Been busy at the ranchero?

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Moving into the new house which I've been remodeling for the last eight months. It's not by any means complete, but here's a picture of part of the kitchen a month ago, before final remodeling:

The stone is sodalite, the walls eggplant. And all these years I've been using vector calculus as a beard.

And I've been working twelve-hour days, and I just came back from nearly a week in San Antonio, where I was so tired that I did not even have energy for the Cube... Eating and sleeping, eating and sleeping. The perfect party parasite.

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That is awesome Commissar, and will no doubt please Nancy when she comes down. But you know you lost me completely with the vector calculus as a beard?

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A beard is a woman that a gay man takes on a date to fool the world.

And yes, Nansky will love it. I chose the color blue so as not to clash with her crustacean blood.

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Perhaps he is truly one of us. Did he not say that free enterprise needs more regulation? Suspicion breeds confidence. That's like, as they said in the 60s, fucking for chastity.

But let us never forget his delightful moonbat wife. But I feel so sorry for her for she was forced to say that she once felt proud to be an American. Me? I've never said that. And never will. After all, the U$$A is the home of all that is evil in the world, and without it, the USSR could have spread the dream of communism throughout the world and Meow could have all the Hummels that he wanted.

Oh. And I get everything else.

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They both seem to have happily came out for more glorious regulation today, oh, and more free training. Not that I am an expert on these things, but the way the Longlegged MacDaddy and the Empress have been fighting it out, they both must be attraction diverse.

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Dear Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography. I have a question.

Do I need to address you as Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography each time I address you and ask a separate question? If so Dear Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography I am considering becoming a vegetarian, however upon a search at my local market the pickings looked a bit slim.
Dear Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography where can I find cuts that aren't so lean?

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Actually, Groucho, you talk to me. I'm Idi's personal chef and I have to say that body above will surely please Dr. Amin. Just as soon as he returns from bowling practice.

Did you know that Dr. Amin bowls 350 every single game? Just as Bill Clinton eagles every hole. Golf hole.

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Dear Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography's personal chef.

Do you have a wine recommendation?

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I personally like Conundrum. [ Actually it's a superlative white wine. ]

And conundrum seems to so personify the existentialist difficulties of this life--do I steal this now, or not steal if, build trust, so I can steal tomorrow.

I've in a call to Obowma about this but he's too busy running down AmeriKKKa to return it.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Here in Texas we say, "That gal's got an ass two ax-handles wide."

Here in Iowa, we would say "If she wanted to haul ass, she'd have to make two trips."