Who or what are The KG3? And why?

Some say they are an ad hoc group of cagey party misfits "putting the toil in toilet humor." Others suspect this troika was selected for its commitment to outstanding production. Do not be ridiculous. But perhaps the masses have the right to know why The KG3s efforts merit a separate category when they are not even children of elite Party members? Perhaps it is not wise to ask too many questions.

Ewe Harmony - A Lifetime of Love

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Edith may look like a goat, but she's a tiger! GRRRRRR!!!

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The pictures don't show legs. We all know how important strong legs are in a female. Is this some sort of a bait and switch trick?

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And the udders. Don't forget about the udders. (I'm a teat man, what can I say.)

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I have to go throw up now....

Ivan Betinov wrote: Ewwwww...

(Hah! Beat Betty to it!)


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Red Square wrote:Edith is a slut.
Yup. She gives new meaning to the phrase; "a goat will eat anything."

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I need to say it... can't fight it....


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(Thinking. . .) (comes back) I suppose it's gets lonly in those caves, maintaining a jihad, surviving on a couple pieces of meat, with only your goat to keep you company. I can only imagine the goat would start looking good.

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What was that thinking? You know that's forbidden!

What do you have to say for yourself?

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Premier Betty wrote:What was that thinking? You know that's forbidden!

What do you have to say for yourself?
Curse you Premier Betty, now I must report to the KMTC. See you when the thoughtcrimes are expunged from the record.

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Make sure to bring some warm clothes!

[begins looting Elliott's dacha]