
17 Year Old Girl's Invention Motivated by Self Interest

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A 17 year old girl from Texas was motivated to work hundreds of hours on research and experimentation because "I did a project that interested me and I liked, and I think that is the reason I won."

A girl named Li, who attends Bellaire High School, in Bellaire, Texas won a $50,000 Young Scientists Award at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Reno, Nevada.


She wasn't motivated by the Greater GoodTM?

This is exactly what's wrong with Texas.

They continue to allow their children to do things out of self-interest.

There should be a law that only those children who win awards, win them for activities in contribution to the Greater GoodTM.

I don't give a whit that she developed a biosensor from bioluminescent- a living organism that gives off a light - to detect contaminants in public drinking water.

So what if her bacteria is cheaper and easier than current biosensors which would have implication for helping out poor people in Third World countries.

She should immediately be sent to a Prog training summer school re-education camp so that by the time she enters college in the fall, she will then dedicate the rest of her life to the Greater GoodTM.

See link Here and the local newspaper that made the mistake of quoting her Here.

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A word from the Party to the Children(TM):

When contemplating your path in life, think of the thing you hate doing most, then dedicate your entire life to doing it. The never-ending suffering you'll be experiencing will feel like sacrifice we must all take for the Common Good(TM). That will fill you with the moral strength to do even the lowest of the Party bidding without questioning or remorse. It will give you the moral authority to claim that, since you have sacrificed your happiness, your ideas must be correct - no matter what kind of ideas your perpetually depressed mind produces.

There is no merit in doing what you like. There is no self-sacrifice in it. It is selfish and therefore immoral. In the Prog World of Next Tuesday(TM) nobody shall be allowed to do what they like. It would be unfair to all those doing what they hate. For such occasions we shall use our colleges for job retraining purposes and institute invasive job swapping programs.

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Loren Steffy, a reporter for the Houston Chronicle completely agrees with you Comrade Red Square and when you read her article, you will see that she has a special feeling for our Dear Leader and deeply understands his use of the word sacrifice. Loren Steffy is truly, a made progressive, and it warms my heart to see that those at the Chronicle saw fit to make her a reporter.

I am so proud of Loren Steffy, and I am going to take both your's and her advice and apply it to everything I do.

And Loren Steffy made sure, too, to paint a bogus picture of the economy under the evil capitalist Bush.

Click here to read about Steffy's feelings about our Dear Leader and his favorite word: sacrifice.

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I have decided to quit my job as an oppressive capitalist tool, (which I enjoy, so it must be bad) and become instead a social worker, and dedicate my life to helping other people get other people's money. Hopefully I'll end up burnt out, cynical and without a life outside of my pathetic job dealing with overweight, rude people who feel entitled to everything simply for existing. Ahhh what a noble sacrifice.

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I am so inspired. I will give up chocolate for our Dear Leader and the Common Good™
And I will move to a Blue state, and take a job teaching math to prisoners who would really rather watch Monday Night Football, than work to get their GED. This is an especially stringent sacrifice because I hate math, and I get claustrophobic in places I can't readily get out of.

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Oooh I'm inspired by Leninka. I will give up Killing for The Common Good(TM) quit The Revolution(TM) and instead go on welfare and food stamps, while waving reactionary signs demanding free health care. That will make me even more of a revolutionary revolutionary. A revolutionary who has given up the revolution because he enjoys it.

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A girl named Li? Are we to assume that she was Chinese? How come we never hear about a student named Leeann or Liqisha coming up with new scientific achievements?

These damn Chinese come here and make their kids study just to humiliate our own white and black kids. How are we to promote undeserved self esteem?

When Mao was in charge we never had to worry about such things, it saddens me to see how backward the Chinese people have become.

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Patience dear Comrades, calm, collective calm is needed. The struggle continues. Inequities such as this will be dealt with in due time. Just look how far we've come in just a few months?

One question though, is this "Bellaire High School" a Public School? I thought we had the Public Schools under control?

Anyway, I'll bet this Li person was listening to "Miss Kitty" on blogtalk radio:

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I DENOUNCE you, Comrade Grigori for placing a link to such a subversive website!!

You must keep in mind that even though this is a Prog website, all children tend to be rebellious, and even the well indoctrinated children of Progs might be curiously allured by a cute, but devilish feline.

Note to Prog parents and children: Never, never trust a cat that wears an American Flag necklace.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:A girl named Li? Are we to assume that she was Chinese? How come we never hear about a student named Leeann or Liqisha coming up with new scientific achievements?

These damn Chinese come here and make their kids study just to humiliate our own white and black kids. How are we to promote undeserved self esteem?

When Mao was in charge we never had to worry about such things, it saddens me to see how backward the Chinese people have become.

Comrade Whoopie, it is very likely that this girl is Chinese. I once attended a graduation ceremony at this very high school where the girl Li attends, in support of a young man who is of the same make-up as our Dear Leader (a nearly perfect child), and I must say, I was shocked, shocked, to see all of the highest honors going to the Asian children.

In a different way, we have the same problem with the people from Mexico, who may not end up with all of the scholarly honors, but rather seem to not only have entreprenuerial superiortiy over the rest of us, they grab all of the jobs. And yet, there is one more thing, they have brought to the Fiesta: a strange feeling of solidarity to Houston citizens of black and white extraction. I can't tell you, how many times, in grocery stores, in a sea of Mexican faces, black people look upon white people, and visa-versa, with knowing looks towards one another, and greet each other like long lost cousins. Finally, we have a sense of kinship and equality.