
9-11 Two

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Komrades, you probably heard about all the stress Rashida Tlaib had to live with just after 9/11. Some random people doing something is terrifying all by itself. But after Americans flew planes into buildings it was too much for Tlaib to take. Understandably she was concerned that more Americans might carry out even worse atrocities than those in NY and D.C. She ran terrified into a closet and cried for what might come from her American neighbors.

Considering the facts of that day, it's no wonder that all these years later Rashida, Ilhan Omar and AOC despise Americans - and they're not going to stop until retribution is carried out. God willing.

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Seems Comrade Callmelennie's most equal Karaoke is on target...

"They've come undone
Went to a place we've never been before
And when they saw they couldn't make the score
It was too late

They've come undone
They hit a threshhold that was far too high
And when they found out that it wouldn't fly
It was too late

It's too late; they've gone too far; they've lost the plot"

Besides AOC is one sharp knife as she is "on to" those Republicans urging her to test her Universal Health Care by sticking hand in garbage disposal. There's just no getting around AOC's razor sharp box cutter mind. She's on to those wily Rethuglican hateful ways.

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AOC, Omar, and Tlaib go to flight school but never learn how to land. It's unnecessary for what they're trying to do. An apt metaphor for their policies. They're not in Congress to land America, they're there to crash it into the ground.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rashida Tlaib Ilhan Omar ..

AlexandriaOcasio-CortezRashidaTlaibIlhanOmar .......
AmericanRabidToxOCOsallahsha-adariotzairlIne .......

American Rabid ToxOCOs allah sha-ada riotz airlIne .

American Rabid Toxocos Allah Sha'ada Riotz Airline .

Any questions?