
A Must-Read Novel: Workshop of the Second Self

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I just finished reading a novel that is a must-read book for all the People's Cubists. Especially that it was written by one of us - Gary Wolf, whose nom de guerre on the Cube is AWOL Civilization. I confess I kept delaying reading it because I'd had bad experiences with self-published books in the past and was afraid of yet another disappointment. But instead of being disappointed I was encouraged, energized, and entertained at the same time. I couldn't put it down! It is smart, profound, and engaging.

The setting is the year 2030 in America where the tendencies of political correctness, multiculturalism, victimology, and moral relativism have reached its logical conclusion. Every person is judged not on his individual merits, but according to his disability profile, which factors in race, gender, wealth, education, exposure to European culture, etc. The most powerful government agency is Department of Disabilities that assigns disability points. This leads to some ugly events and the breakup of society, when the most productive and qualified people become the real victims of the Disability Regime. In addition, terrorists - whom no one dares call terrorists - are suing their victims for the right to seize their identities along with their assets and professional careers.

It's not a humorous or satirical book. It's Atlas Shrugged meets 1984. But unlike Atlas Shrugged, there are no people left in the society who actually know the real history or have the ability to think rationally. None of the characters are free of the chains and the blinders of political correctness. And as the plot unfolds, they try to unravel the reasons for their predicament using the limited intellectual tools they have.

The clear action-driven plot, vivid descriptions, concise dialogue, and developed characters are asking for a screen adaptation. With luck it could become a powerful influential movie - if only Hollywood weren't in the hands of the people who are described in this book as the unwitting villains.

It was written in 2006 but it's even more relevant today and, I'm afraid, its relevancy will continue to grow with the advancement of Obama's policies. In this sense, Gary's story is more than just an educated guess - I'd call it an educated prophecy.

You can order it on Amazon - Workshop of the Second Self

We tried to promote this book earlier, in a rather funny way, but it was probably the wrong approach to advertise a serious book. And I didn't know it was wrong because I hadn't read it then (kicking self in the shin - AWWW!). Here's the link anyway: Find Your Second Self And Sue The Hell Out Of It

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A sequel to Atlas Shrugged crossed with Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron. Excellent! I'll have to add it to my Eco-Friendly all recycled material hand-woven Shopping Basket at The People's Amazon along with the Little Blue Book.

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Will have to check out once I'm finished with a graduate class called "Multiculturalism in the Elementary Art Room" where I get to pretend I believe in what I'm reading and writing:)

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Burn it! Oh wait, it's digital? How will we fit that into the furnace comrades?

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Looks good, I will add it to my bookshelf of reactionary literature that must be studied to understand our shared class enemies.

Comrades, there is a movie out based on this book, it's called "Idiocracy"....