
Air Force Ranks #1 in Party Loyalty and Fewest Purges

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Dear Comrades,

The Military Oversight Subcommittee of the Department of Political Supervision of the Socialist Democratic Party has sent a congratulatory telegram to the USSA Air Force's Office of Social Conformity after noting that the Air Force has had the lowest number of purges since the universal and unanimous election in 2008 of Comrade Party Chairman and Future President Barack Barackovich Obama as Supreme Commander of the USSA Armed Forces.

This is seen by the Party as indication that the USSA Air Force is the most loyal of all the Armed Services, led by commanding officers more willing to embrace the Party's messages of Hope and Change in the spirit of Proletarian Unity which the Party embodies. The progressive attitude of Air Force leadership means that fewer of its officers have been found guilty of political crimes against the workers and peasants of the USSA whom they are tasked to protect and to serve.

While only one general from the Air Force has been removed from service, the other branches have had greater difficulty in integrating themselves into the New Socialist Order. The worst so far has been the Army, with four generals requiring removal from the ranks, whereas the Marine Corps and Navy are tied with two purges each.

All members of the Armed Services are reminded that it is their first and primary duty to be good examples of correct political and social formation, embracing the progressive direction that Comrade Obama expects of us all. Generals and Admirals must always be on the lookout for reactionary and Bourgeois thinking amongst lower officers, and root out any potential dissent or non-conformists from their midsts.

We salute the People's Air Force of the USSA for its exemplary loyalty to the State! The Armed Forces must defend the Motherland from Capitalistic and Reactionary thought!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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Indeed Comrade, and while Comrade President HAS reduced the USSA Air Force budget down to what it really needs, contrary to Teabagger and Rethuglikkkan claims it's just as strong and just as deadly a force to be reckoned with as ever!

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It's possible that one of our fellow Cube comrades has also played a part. <wink, wink>

Airplane Putout.jpg

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Party loyalty or Administration "discretion"? The USSAAF brass may not be so easy to find or remove..

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Anyer Marx - I don't recall you requesting a permission, in triplicate and with notarized signatures, to publicize the inner sanctum of the People's Cube Party Bunker from which we run our operation.

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Leader Red Square - Let it be know...I have never even glimpsed the above image. My Party issued IBM green screen monitor has been restricted to text only.

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Message from the Dept. of Political Supervision of the Socialist Democratic Party:
Support the purging of officers who have been found guilty of political crimes against the workers and peasants of the USSA!

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I think a proper purge and a show trial against the possible spy and saboteur Anyer Marx is in order.

Anyone at all?

That's right. All in agreement then!

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Red Square wrote:I think a proper purge and a show trial against the possible spy and saboteur Anyer Marx is in order.
I recommend that the Obama Administration immediately set up a website to collect evidence against Comrade Marx prior to his show trial!!

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Throw his medals over the fence, cut the buttons off of his uniform, break his saber, and OUT the main gate! (Trial to follow...)

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Red Square wrote:I think a proper purge and a show trial against the possible spy and saboteur Anyer Marx is in order.

Anyone at all?

That's right. All in agreement then!

Now that the Rethuglikkkan shutdown has ended we could use some quality entertainment. Show trial it is!

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Comrades! Any resemblance to the inner sanctum of the People's Cube Party Bunker, which I have never seen, is purely coincidental! I was told that the image was of the barbershop in the Pentagon basement!

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Comrade Marx - I'm willing to let your past attacks on my character - and stature - be forgotten. I will help (for a small remittance to my PP account) vindicate you. As you may remember, I was standing at your side when we didn't see the People's Cube Party Bunker. Remember? Yes? Now forget what I just didn't say.

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I repeat (and I am getting SO tired of this): There is no bunker. The Inner Party Elite do not exist. All Party members are equal, and all Party members share the exact SAME facilities as do The People. Therefor there is NO BUNKER. Any further rumors about this non-existent Party Bunker will be dealt with severely.

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I am told by party insiders that when dear leader uses his golfing sticks, when the teabaggers ball that he smacks goes into a sandy area, a uniformed CIA operative repositions the ball four feet into the grassy area. Ergo, there is no bunker.

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Whether Zen Buddhist or Socialist worshiper of the State, all mystics know that reality is but an illusion.

This being the case I move to drop charges against Comrade Marx because there is no bunker after all. Proceed with the Jiffy-Lobo.

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INGSOC wrote:Whether Zen Buddhist or Socialist worshiper of the State, all mystics know that reality is but an illusion.
Except for good tequila, comrade. Except for good tequila.

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Tequila comes in good?

Comrade, we have much to discuss...

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What about our Glorious People's Cube Liberation Coast Guard NOMENKLATURA-CLIMBER?Absolutely no USCG Admirals have been purged...YET

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Mainstream press has not made an issue of flag officers of the coast guard being sacked as they, like TSA belong primarily to Dear Leader's own Department of Homeland Security, of whom he is still proud.

Fear not, disgraced admirals in any case are "closely guarding" Osama bin Laden.

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Tovarichi wrote:Mainstream press has not made an issue of flag officers of the coast guard being sacked as they, like TSA belong primarily to Dear Leader's own Department of Homeland Security, of whom he is still proud.

Fear not, disgraced admirals in any case are "closely guarding" Osama bin Laden.
Quite correct Ambassador Tovarichi! It appears that The Great One follows the old adage; "Keep your friends close & your enemies closer"

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How badly does Dear Leader dislike Reggie Love?