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alert condition: breach of security

notes: a leak in vital party™ prioritary information has been discovered. this compromises future operations and puts many comrades in harms way. responsible members will be found and dealt with accordingly. the following is the leaked text information found on the AP wire followed by the prototype propaganda image. premature release of this information from our WeCU Technologies cover corporation compromises security weaknesses in ongoing unseen conflicts with 'capitalist' elements.

The aim of one company that blends high technology and behavioral psychology is hinted at in its name, WeCU - as in "We See You."

The system that Israeli-based WeCU Technologies has devised and is testing in Israel projects images onto airport screens, such as symbols associated with a certain terrorist group or some other image only a would-be terrorist would recognize, said company CEO Ehud Givon.
The logic is that people can't help reacting, even if only subtly, to familiar images that suddenly appear in unfamiliar places. If you strolled through an airport and saw a picture of your mother, Givon explained, you couldn't help but respond.

The reaction could be a darting of the eyes, an increased heartbeat, a nervous twitch or faster breathing, he said.

The WeCU system would use humans to do some of the observing but would rely mostly on hidden cameras or sensors that can detect a slight rise in body temperature and heart rate. Far more sensitive devices under development that can take such measurements from a distance would be incorporated later.

If the sensors picked up a suspicious reaction, the traveler could be pulled out of line for further screening.

"One by one, you can screen out from the flow of people those with specific malicious intent," Givon said.

Some critics have expressed horror at the approach, calling it Orwellian and akin to "brain fingerprinting."

For civil libertarians, attempting to read a person's thoughts comes uncomfortably close to the future world depicted in the movie "Minority Report," where a policeman played by Tom Cruise targets people for "pre-crimes," or merely thinking about breaking the law.

as noted in the AP article, resistant forces are already at work undermining our operation by stating terms like 'pre-crimes' or 'thought-crimes' as being undesirable.

report all offending suspects or neighbors immediately to the peoples re-education and interrogation center, NSA division.

reporting agent: blackmarket citizen - the peoples black op

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Comrade, rest easy, I suggest that this technology will have no effect on Made Progs. First off it presupposes that we have minds of our own. Thinking for ourselves is not why we became Progs. Secondly, it assumes we have ethical standards and that violating those morals makes us feel guilty which will manifest itself in such a way as to betray us. Finally, it is we who determine what constitutes a thought crime. We set the standards of speech, behavior and thought.

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"Civil Libertarians"???? Oh, yes, one of those people who complains when a Rethuglican is in office. Like a newspaper.

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Blackmarket Citizen, a few questions:
1. Does your name indicate your race, as in Black Market? If so, 1000 apologies for slavery.
2. If not, YOU ARE A RACIST.
3. If you are, in fact, African_American, are you possibly of Kenyan decent, with a white mother from Kansas? If so you deserve to be President. Just make a point of burning your birth certificate first.
"There is no spoon... there is only OBAMA"

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The reaction could be a darting of the eyes, an increased heartbeat, a nervous twitch or faster breathing, he said.
Of course!
The classic symptoms of the Matthews Effect minus the leg tingling and a wet spot on the seat when discussing The One.

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Czar Czar wrote:Blackmarket Citizen, a few questions:
1. Does your name indicate your race, as in Black Market? If so, 1000 apologies for slavery.
2. If not, YOU ARE A RACIST.
3. If you are, in fact, African_American, are you possibly of Kenyan decent, with a white mother from Kansas? If so you deserve to be President. Just make a point of burning your birth certificate first.
"There is no spoon... there is only OBAMA"

subject: response to czar czar

i believe you have forced me to open a file on you. to be cleared of any suspicion you will need to produce the required authorizing documentation for the useage of the following state restricted vocabulary:

black, slavery, african, kansas, birth certificate.

until cleared you stand in direct violation of ethical progressive standards and various possible thought crimes.
my status is of course classified as 'restricted' equally to all, and it is racist of you to question me about race.

reporting agent: blackmarket citizen - the peoples black op