
"And now you know the rest of the story... "

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As Paul Harvey used to say....

Now that you've probably seen the media/leftist version, here's the FULL version of the UC Davis crowd control action. As you can well see the hooligans were given plenty of warning and time to comply. They CHOSE to disregard the warning, they actively resisted the police trying to remove them by bracing themselves and interlinking their arms. Textbook use of force continuum escalation. Also enjoy the gratutitous shrieking and feigned weeping of the bystanders for the "useful idiots" who thought nothing of making themselves martyrs, while the organizers stood back and watched with big crocodile tears....


Watching hippie progs get their comeuppance just brings a smile to KAM's face!

(now back to your regularly scheduled prog'ing.....)

SHAME, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME.............!!!!!!

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I join you, Comrade Kool-Aid! Shame Shame Shame On The PIGS - even if they are simply unwitting Running Dog Lackeys Of The Imperialist Amerikkkan Conspiracy Against Global Peace And Justice ™ ! They are simply following the orders of their Superiors!

Just think empathize - those helpless, brainless immobile persecuted victim-students are the Future Of Amerikkka! Why, this Group Of Victims could be is obviously composed of future Professors of Womyns' Studies - Possibly even Deans Of Peace Institutes!

When, oh when will Amerikkka start Putting People First?