
Angry Jimmy Carter - Can't Assist Terrorists

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Comrade Jimmy is angry and upset about not being able to help terrorists and I don't blame him. Jimmy has made such inroads for peace in the Middle East. Few people define terms but Jimmy holds honors as a term definer.

useful idiot.jpg

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He works in mysterious ways:


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Inter-racial Jimmy or Coal Miner Jimmy
jimmy black.jpg

Jimmy Jihad
jimmy jihad.jpg

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Jimmy Jihad (oh, that made me chuckle a chuckle!).. is he still alive? But I digress . . . . he is of course right in his correctness. How can we make friends with jihadies, if we don't make friends with them? Build them little home so they don't have to live in mountain holes?

Yes, whatever he said, I vote for that.

Is it time for lunch yet?

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Mrs Al needs a house. I'm sure she's tired of living in that cave.

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There is one of the things to be saying of Carter - he has the Jimmytude!

I am of knowing the Palestinian country peoples to be of much upsettedness by terrible SCOTUS rulings. Who do SCOTUS think they to be of imitation of? Imams? Can they be of making such fatwas?

It is of outrageousness that they to be doing of such things.

Grigori, it is of much appreciation that you to be of concern of my living habits. But with helping of Misha I am of getting cave in good working orders. I am not knowing if this to be of too much forwardness, but here is foto of my newly decorated boudoir sleeping place.

mrs als bedrm.jpg

Is it not of much comfiness?

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Mrs. Al, that is most glorious! It is making the gulag look dull in compare. I am sure you will be filled with great joyousness to share with the collective (especially as we bring our own booze, eats and CHOCOLATES). And, cough cough, how is dearest Misha???? He must come to the cough cough beet field for beet extraction this Saturday.

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I never realized it before but there is quite a resemblence between Jimmy and Helen Thomas.