
Are you transgressive?

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Granted, we all try to be progressive here. In fact in true progressive fashion, we fight amongst ourselves to claim who is the most progressive. But consider those who might be TRANSGRESSIVE. Those who secretly listen to Glenn Beck, or don't read the New York Times. Those who might not read aloud from Obama's speeches and memos, or who don't stand up and salute when Chairman O's name is spoken. Perhaps a person questions The Party Line(TM) or The Current Truth(TM). That person is Transgressive.

The Transgressive, in a world ran by Progressives is an evil monster. They believe in things like racial equality, where a white man can without malice make a joke about blacks, and laugh when a latino tells jokes about a white woman. They think entitlements hold back society and groups of people, and have absurd notions about personal responsibility and the individual.

These Transgressives might only vote once, and even then not for a Party candidate (as opposed to the progressive fashion of voting many times for the most progressive candidate) perhaps owns guns, and might even read books not on the Approved Reading List(TM) and think thoughts not first cleared through the local commissar. They might even have a job.

Beware the Transgressives comrades, beware!

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Hmmm, I recall reading in "TV Guy" that "Trannies" who vote in drag tend to vote Democrat more often than not.

What can I say? Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

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{off} the illogical term "transgressive" was applied to me by a local low level functionary for the local Democrats in the sense that I was the opposite of progressive. It makes no sense, has no dictionary meaning in the sense he applied it, and sounds funny. Yup, must be People's English(TM).

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[off karacter] Yeah, I would tend to think that the opposite of Progressive would be Regressive. Of course, my failure there is the "I would tend to think..." issue. On the other hand, having beliefs contrary to The Party and The Bel0ved Leader, or in any way questioning or disagreeing with them could certainly be seen as a transgression. I'm curious as to whether this Prog came up with that term all by itself or if it picked up the word from some prog website or other Party mouthpiece.

Anyway, if my beliefs and activities are a transgression to the 0bamabots, then heck yeah, I think that's pretty cool! [/off karacter]

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trans⋅gress  [trans-gres, tranz-] Show IPA
–verb (used without object)
1. to violate a law, command, moral code, etc.; offend; sin.
–verb (used with object)
2. to pass over or go beyond (a limit, boundary, etc.): to transgress bounds of prudence.
3. to go beyond the limits imposed by (a law, command, etc.); violate; infringe: to transgress the will of God.
1520–30; <L> ss

Related forms:
trans⋅gres⋅sive, adjective
trans⋅gres⋅sive⋅ly, adverb
trans⋅gres⋅sor, noun

1. err, trespass. 3. contravene, disobey.

3. obey.

Merriam Webster:
Main Entry: trans·gress
Pronunciation: \tran(t)s-ˈgres, tranz-\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French transgresser, from Latin transgressus, past participle of transgredi to step beyond or across, from trans- + gradi to step — more at grade
Date: 15th century
intransitive verb
1 : to violate a command or law : sin
2 : to go beyond a boundary or limit
transitive verb
1 : to go beyond limits set or prescribed by : violate <transgress>
2 : to pass beyond or go over (a limit or boundary)
— trans·gres·sive \-ˈgre-siv\ adjective
— trans·gres·sor \-ˈgre-sər\ noun

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{off} See the dangers of thinking and dictionary definitions comrades? When a prog says something we must redefine it to fit the context they are trying to use, even when it is not correct. People's English(TM) means never having to mean what you say, or even say what you mean!

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No, comrade, I think you're missing the point, a Transgressive™ disobeys The Party™ will. A Transgressive violates the commands and laws of The Party™. A Transgressive is a Sinner to the sanctity of The Party™ and should be labeled and scorned with the glorious wrath of The Party Truth™ for his transgressions. By the will of The One, The Party™ shall ostracize and banish all Transgressives from the SOciaLIST HoLy LAnd of The USSA!!!

Obey The Current Truth NOW!!!

Hail Lord Obama!

(Yes comrade, we know korrect kapitalist english would say Transgressor, but we are The Party™ comrade, and we decide semantics and syntax and People's English™ as we see fit!!!! Note to self: continue rewriting People's Dictionary™ and People's Definition's™, assign 666 Woomba Loomba's to this task at once!!!)

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Methinks you are korrekt Comrade Extra Tasty Krispy.

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So I guess there's no forgiving of transgressions, just a whack from Pinkie's shovel, I suppose.

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We are building a Religion comrades....

Shhhhhhhh.... it's our communist cake's secret ingredient.

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Comrade Red Rooster,

I am intoxicated with the spirit of the great one. Please, someone take my wallet, at least for now. I want to give everything over to the messiah, but I need to wait, really until the Bushitler tax cuts expire, and the health care fines are enforced, and cap and trade gets passed. There will be plenty of time to give it my all.

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Oh, comrade Leninka, you are so generous, please deposit your wallet in my chicken feed bin at the back of the barn.

"We are now accepting callers for these pendant keychains"....

ThePeoplesCube - CHOPE - Obama O Keychain

ThePeoplesCube - CHOPE - Obama Red Army Keychain

Image<br>ThePeoplesCube - CHOPE - Harpo-Marxism Keychain

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That Red Cap looks as if it was lifted off of Red Square's We Put the "U" in the Gulag Image. I bet they did.

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You can't have my wallet. It's for Dear Leader, but I did leave you some chicken feed, and I also found this cute little hat.


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We must worry about other methods of transgression too--it is not enough to refuse to watch Faux Noise or slavishly read <i>The New York Times</i>. One could even offer mouth service--if you get what I mean--to Dr. Krugman and still transgress.

You are a transgressor if you ever knowingly tell the truth. That's it. That's the alpha and the omega.

I wonder if I hope that you believe me.

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What if you unknowingly tell the truth Comrade Commissar? We all know the mere act of say being a white person can cause a person to be unknowingly racist... until one of course raises their Awareness(TM) of unknowing racism, and white privilege. So perhaps there are those who are unknowing honest as well, and are causing harm without wishing to do so?

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Colonel unknowing racism is the Rethuglikkkan evil that is destroying, DESTROYING, this country! I refuse to live in a country where KKKapitalist Korporations have more rights than African-Americans, and I'M NOT LEAVING!!!! And if there are progs unknowing the knowing of racism that is unknown (OH BUT WE KNOW COMRADE, WE KNOW!) then that is a travesty to The Party(TM) and our dear intellectual leader Comrade Kark Marx, who knew the unknowing about Jews and Africans before all of us tuned into the knowing of the unknowing, because that's how fat slob hot temper racists roll.

Right Commissar Theocritus, that's why I refuse to let sleeping dogs lie, I love to hang out on YouTube and propagate the myth truth that Bush is Hitler!!! I know, I know, he's been out of office for almost a year now, but you can't let a good Party Current Truth go dormant while the likes of Faux Noise and and others bad mouth Our O'Messiah.

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Yes, yes, oh, YES! Dear O'Leader is down 13% in the polls of strongly approve/disapprove. And 5% more think that he's doing a bad job than a good job.

This must stop. Lord Obama has blamed everything on the Bu$hitler for the last year. For some reason the evil Rethuglicans think that he's still campaigning and simply isn't up to the job of governing. I don't know why they think that, even though he's spoken a half million words since his coronation and hasn't made one tough decision.