
Blasphemy of the Gays

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Comrades, I'm deeply distressed by the disrespect the disloyal Sodomite cadres are showing Dear Leader.

Just because he's chosen to betray their support by selecting this religion monger 'Rick Warren' to give the invocation at his coronation spectacle is no reason to malign our beloved messiah.

I don't understand why anyone who enjoys getting it up the butt wouldn't feel honored by the idea of getting reamed by Dear Leader himself.

These useful idiots have clearly outlived their usefulness and it's high time that Dear Leader purge the Party of these "colonic cossacks".

Comrade Whoopie,

Be careful what you wish for!! You may become a new "colonic cossack" after some of our High Party officials have you arrested and sent to the Gulag for deviants and Global Warming heretics. There, they have effective methods to reeducate citizens such as yourself. Remember, those drums of grease are for things other than the machinery!!

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Truly, if these ingrates spurn the Speculum of Hope and Change of that our Leader (may his hallowed doubletalk spread the wealth to the collective) has graciously wiggled their way, they truly are beyond the kind, restorative effects of the Karl Marx Re-Education Center, and must be purged from the Progressive bowels using a Party-appointed laxative.

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Comrade Whoopie,

I have enjoyed your submissions in the past, but perhaps you do not understand that the People's Glorious Collective is neutral-gender oriented. No one need worry about sexual persuasion or lifestyle here (pedophiles excluded). Why we at the Cube even lust after household appliances.(that one still puzzles and disturbs me)

Although I agree that Bwarny Fwank has a big mouth, he does have reason to speak up about the Obamessiah's treatment of the gays and lesbians. The Obamessiah has stated that he is not opposed to giving gays and lesbians full rights in a Civil court, but he believes that the definition of marriage should be between a man and a woman.(at least that is the Current Truth, and we all know how fast that changes)) Bwarny is confused because the Obamessiah's implied support of CA's Proposition 8. Since Bwarny can get "married" (not sure if he is?) in more than one state (but the marriage will only be recognized by that state), he is just pushing the gay and lesbian agenda to get a nationwide consensus. He feels that the Obamessiah is breaking a promise to the gay and lesbian community that overwhelmingly supported him (70% did vote for Obama).

Image confused yet? Can you blame poor Bwarny?

Obama defended his choice at a Thursday press conference, where he said: “I am a fierce advocate of equality for gay and lesbian Americans. [HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]It is something that I have been [/HIGHLIGHT][HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]consistent on[/HIGHLIGHT][HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00], and I intend to continue to be consistent on during my presidency. [/HIGHLIGHT][HIGHLIGHT=#ffffff]What I've [/HIGHLIGHT]also said is that it is important for America to come together, even though we may have disagreements on certain social issues.”

What everyone is sensing, but no one is articulating, is the [HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]real loss of trust [/HIGHLIGHT]going on this week. Warren is our enemy and we thought the Obama administration would be our friend. And [HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]there might be some real buyer remorse going on in the gay community which is asking itself: How far can we trust this guy?

I doubt that Pastor Warren (homophobic religious zealot), is as much the problem, as the fact that the Obamessiah courted the gay and lesbian community under false pretenses. Obama wanted their votes, and of course, no matter how contradictory it sounded, he maintained both positions to get what he wanted. (Pretty clever, but not very consistent!)

I have no love for the light in the loafers looneytune but he is still useful to the Party's agenda, (he will be a sure rubber stamp for the Obamessiah's programs) and still powerful in Congress. So I wouldn't be so quick to write him off (I do wish we could), at least not yet. He's such a cretin, eventually he will commit the ultimate faux pas, and then we will dipatch him with all haste, comrade. ( I know that I'm looking forward to that time with relish)

wondering what our VP-Elect is going to do in the New World of This Tuesday, since he can't even spar effectively with that evil, warmongering, conservative, Cheney! LMAO!

Che' Gourmet


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Comrade Whoopie
Commissar Che' Gourmet

As Spiritual Advisor I must weigh in here. Neutral-gender oriented is nice, but here on the eve of real AI (artifical intelligence), we must consider the rights of the inanimate.

"Why we at the Cube even lust after household appliances.(that one still puzzles and disturbs me)"

Commissar Che',
Am suprised you still have power there in the frozen north. It's currently 27 here in southern NC (only 15 miles from SC). I had to break out my Furry Hat! This global warming is really getting out of hand.

Has anyone considered maybe "Hell is freezing over" and that even a Snowball has a chance now?

Happy Holidays Comrades

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Comrades, I must say that I'm deeply disappointed by some of the comments to my post. Some of our fellow travelers speak like weak liberals. They should learn to be more judgmental toward the behavior exhibited by the gay cadres.

Strong communism does not mince words. Politically correct thoughts are for useful idiots, not Party functionaries.

We set the standards of behavior for the collective and we should not take apologetic stands for behavior that is frankly disloyal to our Dear Leader.

If these gays do not fall in line, they must be purged. Any who think that their treason should be excused on account of their lifestyle or past service to the movement are no better than reactionary running dogs.

Comrade Che and Zarkof, do not stray from the Party line lest you find yourself on the train station platform, shovel in hand.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:
I don't understand why anyone who [HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]enjoys getting it up the butt wouldn't feel honored by the idea of getting reamed by Dear Leader himself.

Comrade Whoopie, perhaps the "colonic cossacks" were not using enough "Wealth Spread" to grease up with before voting for Obama. "Wealth Spread" obviously has many uses and it should work just fine for this purpose as well. Most of the masses that did vote for him should have extra on hand because [HIGHLIGHT=#ffffff]the [/HIGHLIGHT]"colonic cossacks" will lilkely not be the only ones honored by getting screwed up the butt .....hopefully with the addition of "Wealth Spread" it might just hurt a little less...

If they have sensitive skin, they might consider using Al Gore's "Global Warming Jelly" instead.....


Comrade Whoopie,

Don't you and the Children™of Sodom realize that our Dear Leader and Messiah is only doing this to placate the proles who still cling to the misguided belief of "religion"??
He is also showing His Love and Benevolence to the Sodomite's by giving them a ride on His black Sceptre of Power in order to share His throbbing Love and Appreciation of the Amerikkkan people. Isn't that what good Progressive politicians do??
Feel the Power of the Messiah, Comrade Whoopie!! Feel the Love of our Dear Leader!!

Thank you for your concern but I've recently returned from the beet fields. I have just received an award (1 beet and 1 cabbage) for exceeding my quota in the harvest and have gotten a new shovel and pick for my return trip to the fields. I'd like to thank the Party, it's Officials, the State and my dear Comrades for allowing me to work in the fields.

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Well Komrade Zarkof, when you put it that way, I suppose you're right (er, I mean correct, always Left, never right).

You got a cabbage? Oh what I wouldn't give for a cabbage. A nice bowl of hot cabbage soup and some potato platski would sure hit the spot.

Tonight I will hang my work boots over the mantle and wish for Santa Mao to bring me a new shovel and perhaps, if I've been a good little worker, a cabbage to share with the entire collective.

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I see CW celebrates with Santa Mao. It's interesting how all the different socialist cultures around the world celebrates The Great Redistributor.
In Nicaragua it's Sandinista Claus.
Is it any wonder his suit is Red?
In Romania, it's St. Nicolas Ceausescu.
In Vietnam, It's Ho Ho Ho all the time.