
Breaththrough in Mathematics in Peoples' Kingdom of Inzania

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Greatest news comrades!

A significant Party breakthrough in Peoples' Mathematics has been achieved in the Peoples' Kingdom of Inzania, formerly know as the White Hegemoronic Regime of Haterz of Southern Africa.

The Party is on the brink of pushing through the Second Stage™ of the Revolution, looking to follow on the Catastrophic Successes of the Great Leap Forward in China and Stalin's Second Revolution, where the great Socialist regimes were able to provide sufficient food for survival for 4 out of 5 citizens - despite oppressive reactionary resistance from Reality to enlightened principles of Party economic and agriculture policy (saving millions of social credits on the engineering of unnecessary holes in belts - just one hole required, next to belt buckle!).

The implementation of this excellent strategy will begin with purge of the hegemonic dictatorial epistemologically dogmatic condition of Western mathematics, specifically in relation to the division of pies. It will seek to demonstrate that by purging the baker, a pie previously sliced 6 ways can be sliced 60 ways in order to provide Party members with pie slices equivalent in size to the 6 original reactionaryist slices of the original pie - in perpetuity!

An excellent strategy has been developed to seize the property of the sons of the former hegemons of the National Socialist former regime's tax slave population and purge these parasites and all middle class collaborators from the country. This will leave the people in control of the mines and farms, for a total control of 17% of the economy!

With these parasites gone, the 17% will soon become about 8% due to revolutionary production decreases due to excellence of small-scale farming and redistribution of MBA qualifications to miners, but - and here lies great genius - with the parasites taking the other 83% of the economy with them, this 8% will by default inflate to become 100% of the economy!

The People will therefore control 100% of the economy, administered on their behalf by the Kommissars of the Party. It follows logically that vanguard Revolutionary control of 100% of the economy will provide each and every of the remaining 40 million citizens with 2 bedroom home + Mercedes Benz liberated from each and every one of the 10 million departing parasites.

There will also be no more tax, as there will be nothing left to tax, which reveals a disturbing libertarian tendency among Party elite which will require later purging.

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I proceed to denounce myself for spelling People's as Peoples' repeatedly, heaping additional oppression on the Collective.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Kommissar Spartakus wrote:There will also be no more tax, as there will be nothing left to tax, which reveals a disturbing libertarian tendency among Party elite which will require later purging.

Au contraire! There will ALWAYS be something to TAX...even if one does absolutely nothing!

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Raum Emmanual Goldstein wrote:
Kommissar Spartakus wrote:There will also be no more tax, as there will be nothing left to tax, which reveals a disturbing libertarian tendency among Party elite which will require later purging.

Au contraire! There will ALWAYS be something to TAX...even if one does absolutely nothing!

Your logic and clarity of principle is impeccable comrade. Of course you are correct. Once economy and agriculture have been stabilized at 1% productivity and 100% equality, Greatest Satan USA will pay carbon tax to subsidize Party members in Inzania and ensure highest levels of Collective goodwill are maintained across the freed planet.

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Welcome to the People's Cube, Kommissar Spartakus. I understand you actually live in the newly decreed people's paradise of South Africa. We'll be expecting detailed reports.

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Thanks to Komrade Red Square. I hope to redeem myself for my Moral Authority score of 0 by daily self correction with blunt machete in front of Stalin bust and in sharing news on great events from this corner of fragmented Pangea.

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A one-time six-hour session of self-criticism with a shovel will be sufficient. ANd don't kill yourself. Every shovel counts in our struggle to reunite Pangea!Image

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Kom. Sparatkus:

Is not the the SACP is a superfilously redundant political organ given the well established ANC?

I only ask due to my most intimate knowledge of the situation there.

Likewise, -- for the purposes of clarification -- is the new nomenclature "Inzania" rather -- in keeping with the practice of renaming streets and airports presently en vougue in your beautiful country -- a change to a more indiginous name? For example, when Boss Robert was able to remove the racist ,white regime of "Rhodesia" he rapidly changed this imperialistic vestage to read "Zimbabwe." Similarly, Cambodia to Kampuchea. Am I clear in understanding this to be the case.

I am also interested to know your current status for the purposes of exercising the appropriate degree of "equal opportunity" here on the cube...

Is jy 'n self-haat Afrikaner of Engelsman wat gevul is met die toepaslike vlak van skuld? Of ...Is jy 'n lid van 'n ​​voorheen vertrapte ras wat die toepaslike graad van vergoeding vir die onreg van die verlede gedoen jou voorouers?

We ask merely for the purposes of social justice.These are bureaucratic requirements, you will understand.

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Komrade Goldstein. I am more than happy to comply with bureaucratic requirements in the name of progress and deeper understanding of how to align more perfectly with the Collective.

Nomenclature of 'Party' applies to any organisation that has the wisdom to embrace and implement economic genius of Marx and consequent attempts to enlighten reactionary population elements with armed force. At present SACP is Party within Party.

Similarly - Inzania refers both to a Southern African country and the condition of being present in Azania. This polemic reference is both descriptive and a Party indication of the state of the nation under the continued subjugation of parasitic continually privileged taxpayers.

Please excuse my failure to reply in the language of previous oppressor in order to avoid moral authority falling below 0 and having to put in double shift in self-correction.

For bureaucratic purposes I disclose that I am mongrel combination of oppressor genetic streams enrolled in ongoing program of self-correction and criticism in order to more fully appreciate my status as non-person paying 35% tax.

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Well, all I can add is that It Is About Time™ that Marxonomics be Given A Fair Chance™ on a national level.

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As is usually the case, the Party has already achieved a new understanding of reality long before reality realized it. ... t1583.html

Remember, Spartakus: The Party already has your number.

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Salutations Komrade Ivan. I shall forward this impeccable dissertation on People's mathematics to our research scientists.

Due to the process where explanations are slowly and painstaking derived from the empiricism of Party Ideology, this will save both time and resources necessary to reverse-engineer the appropriate formulas for propaganda purposes.

I shall forward your name for Medal.

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And we'll pin it on...
We could clip it to...
Screw it. Medal denied, back to tending beets, all of you...

Red square, to seem knowledgeable in such things, if Pangea is reunited to the benefit of the people, will one fishing licence cover all sub-territories? (Damn those Canadian extortionists)