
Caption: What Are Barack and Comrades Laughing About?

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"...and then he said...dey go'na put YA'LL back'n chains!"


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Now I was thinking that the Clintons have an explicit interest for Obama to lose. Apparently Obama offered to Hillary to replace Biden and she didn't accept because this would compromise her chances in 2016.

Also Obama winning would compromise the chances of whomever democrat candidate to win in 2016. It doesn't look to me like this country will want more of the same after Obama.

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... then Joe arranged for a $20 million loan to his buddy for an off shore car dealership.

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transcripts...birth certificates...almost four years...still no budget, and China! CHINA!
ohhh, Allah; my sides hurt from laughing..., I can't breathe!

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"...So, then, I turned to Joe and said, "smooth move, Ferguson!"

And, of course, hilarity ensured.

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...and these suburbanites with children inheriting the debt are still driving around with my bumper stickers!

"And it took until hours for Jimmah to teach Joe the right way to say "y'all".

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From the Social Security Institute Website


Or maybe it's his White House Choom Gang...


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... and then during the debate we put these electrodes on Mitt's chair ....

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Joe Biden, overseer on Uncle Sam's Plantation, tries his best to keep the workers from getting all uppity and LEAVING!


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The comrades in the foto are laughing at Jim Carney's computer joke:

If you use medication for erectile dysfunction
and have an erection lasting more than four hours,
immediately CLICK BELOW!

        Mystery item No. 1

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That scared the freaking bejeezus outta me...

Now I demand medication... to help me sleep without nightmares... and I don't mean Pinkie's shovel either, although it would probably be just as effective. And I can legally grow up to four pot plants for personal use in Kanadistan without being sent to jail for the rest of my life... I still may never be able to sleep again. Gaah!

Sister Already Massively Opiated But Not Remotely Sedated...

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So after I put my hand on the Bible, I said, HehHehHehHehHeh... I sh*t you not! I said, "I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God."... No! No!... The "so help me God," was actually part of the oath! AhHahHahHahHah! Whew! I've got a stitch in my side...

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Look! If we can get the right to vote for felons, my reelection is a lock!


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Pssst, sis, don't tell anyone, but we were able to hand deliver over 2700 ballots to Cook County (that's Dear Leader's county) in Illinoiz to the prison inmates for a gubernatorial election. We don't want to disenfranchise the wrong people.