
Castro celebrates the Cuban Revolution

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Comrades rejoice, the malicious lies about the people's hero Fidel Castro being near death have been proven false.

In this exclusive photo, we can clearly see a healthy, vibrant Fidel enjoying the traditional Cuban pastime of bowling.

Fidel has been taking a vacation from running the Revolution while his faithful brother Raoul stands in for him. His absence has lead to rumors that he's in poor health.

But on this the anniversary of his glorious revolution, our dear comrade saw fit to show the world he's still twice the man he ever was.

His vigor stands as testament to the efficiency of nationalized health care in Cuba, which is the envy of the civilized (Socialist) world.

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This picture of el lider maximo looks a bit familiar, like when he re-introduced break dancing out of concern for the People's Health, which is free and fantastic, just see for yourself.

Too bad CNN's link to the video of that glorious event is not working.

Comrade Tovarich,

I am truly appalled at the lack of organization in these People's hospitals. And why haven't the government authorities made these proles clean up these hospitals? Surely, they have the time, (since very few of them have jobs)! As a medically trained MD, (yes, comrade, just another of my many talents) I never experienced these conditions while I was in Cuba, but that was a long time ago.

If the wretched, imperialist, USA would only lift the f**cking embargo!!

I truly "feel" the people's pain, comrade!
(I shall have to start another revolution down there, just as soon as the "old coot" dies!)

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Please note carefully that the Glorious Leader is NOT playing against anyone in this picture. This is to ensure that no one loses, and everyone wins!

Qué un mozo!

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So excited was I at seeing Fidel going for a new strike against the upright and uptight that I apparently went temporarily schizophrenic and addressed myself:

Comrade_Tovarich wrote:Comrade Tovarich,

I am truly appalled at the lack of organization in these People's hospitals. And why haven't the government authorities made these proles clean up these hospitals? Surely, they have the time, (since very few of them have jobs)! As a medically trained MD, (yes, comrade, just another of my many talents) I never experienced these conditions while I was in Cuba, but that was a long time ago.

If the wretched, imperialist, USA would only lift the f**cking embargo!!

I truly "feel" the people's pain, comrade!
(I shall have to start another revolution down there, just as soon as the "old coot" dies!)

The coot cannot die soon enough! Then again, a good stroke that cripples him enough to strip him of all power but let him live vegetatively long enough to see capitalism return or, better yet, himself go on trial unable to speak, fittingly, for the deeds and crimes he committed and commits.

How does that Cuban joke go?
A: "My son's a doctor but he's planning on changing careers to move up in the world."
B: "What's he plan to become?"
A: "A taxi driver." (for the hard currency)

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And AmeriKKKans say socialized medicine won't work. . . Than again it is run still by the Bushitler and his lies.

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As the Cuban form of Socialism has become tainted, I planned a new Revolution over there, but sadly the only support I could drum up involved a crazy Russian, and an even crazier Cuban. Fortunately for me the Russian has a submarine he stole when the USSR collapsed. Unfortunately it's painted yellow and used in a tourist attraction now.

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Comrade Comrade7.62,

With a couple of Blue Meanies, it could be all systems go.

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I fear that the brother is a non-believer. He makes with the "look good" now, but will soon be making his country a capitalist cesspool.

His recent comments to his People give me the impression that he is more economically minded than we feared...

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His form is nice... is that state run tele on the screens?

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Well...YEAH! Only the finest programming from the Country that brought you Michael Moore Approved Universal Health CareTM!

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It saved cured me from my thoughcrime injuries schizophrenia out lashing.Good ol' Michael Moore Universal Health Care©®.

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Speaking of the lard butt Moore, I hear he reads Peoples Cube wearing ladies under garments while spoon feeding himself capitalist mayonnaise....

Barney Frank as well, minus the mayo....

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X@, I'm getting very bad imagery from the above comrade.