
Cenk Uygur Denounced for Traitorous Comments on TV

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Dear Comrades,

The Committee for Broadcast Supervision has forwarded to the Commissar for Media Security of the Department of Social Justice a formal denunciation of the suspected foreign agent and Trotskyite Cenk Uygur (pronounced Dur-tee Scum-bag in English) for insulting our beloved Comrade Party Chairman and Future President Barack Barackovich Obama during a broadcast from American Media Collective Office #274 (a.k.a ‘Current TV').

Such non-conformism and disloyalty to the leadership of the Socialist revolution cannot be ignored, Comrades, even by those who once served the Party. Citizen Cenk Uygur has effectively renounced his Party membership and sided with the evil Republicans in their war against American security and prosperity.

We, the workers and peasants of the USSA, call for the immediate arrest of Citizen Uygur, and we will not rest until he admits his crimes and agrees to undergo political reform under the supervision of the Party. His Bourgeois and decadent capitalistic tendencies but be rooted out not only for the good of all Americans, but his own sake.

We can only imagine what other filth lies beneath his ‘Progressive' veneer! Only a thorough investigation of his past and present disposition will do. We encourage our authorities to find out the truth about this man and show the world who the real liar is!

Cenk Uygur is a traitor and a foreign agent!
The People demand his arrest and correction!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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Comrade Uygur was born in Istan-bull, and in his eagerness to advance the goals of our People's collective, has been known to fib on special occasions. By appearing to tell the truth he is simply maximizing confusion in LIVs and therefore defeating our reactionary foes. Get it? I don't...and therefore his strategy is highly successful. Simple.

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I agree with Ted State. The Juvenile Ottoman must be PURGED!