
Chick-fil-A Indifference Day this Saturday!

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From our friendly Zombie:

On Saturday, August 4, all across this great nation, I call upon Americans to express their complete indifference to Chick-fil-A and this entire non-scandal. Participants in Chick-fil-A Indifference Day are encouraged to have no opinion whatsoever about Chick-fil-A on Saturday, and to not really think about it at all, and to avoid eating there unless you're driving by and feel a little hungry and wouldn't mind a chicken sandwich, in which case you could eat there, but only for non-political reasons, and only if there wasn't a better place next door.

Join us! Let waves of boredom and indifference about mind-numbing non-scandals wash across America. Our time has arrived! Stand up, speak out, and say nothing!

Why? See here - ... 4-join-us/

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I must admit that after a week of hating Chick-fil-A and hating anyone who eats there because they're all such intolerant haters, I'm ready for something new and bright and shiny that doesn't require me to do a lot of thinking or cost a lot of money unless, of course, it's someone else's money.

But tomorrow is Obama's birthday! We can't have another special day on Obama's birthday, can we? It's HIS Special Day! And what's more, it could be his very last birthday in the White House!

But that's not up to him. It's up to the rest of us. You and me.

Therefore, I intend to spend all day tomorrow with a laser-like focus on Obama's birthday and asking myself if I could do more to make sure it's not his last in the White House.

It's the first thing I think about when I wake up in the afternoon, and the last thing I think about before I pass out in the wee hours of the morning.

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Am thinking to visit local Chick-Fil-A tomorrow to show them indifference. Kapitalist/intolerant web site says nearest one only 66 miles by roads built on the backs of poor and paid for by taxpayers^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^hevil bourgeoisie who should pay more. Trusty oxen team not allowed on road, so may drive planet destroying Suburban instead...

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Pinkie, have you determined the ribbon color for your Saturday vigil? That's really important--maybe we should appoint a study committee.

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Comrade Brain-in-Jar (somewhat like Chick-fil-A, yes?), when you asked Pinkie about the color of her ribbon for BOB, I immediately thought, "Why, RAINBOW, of course!"

But then, I realized, "No, no, that won't do - Dear Leader is ABOVE such color-coded trivia; only something totally unique, totally awesome, totally HIM could ever fit the bill for His birthday!".

I therefore propose an invisible ribbon: like the emperor's new clothes, like Dear Leader's famous transparency - only an invisible ribbon is unique enough for The One! Why, even "O" suggests zero, which suggests nothing, which suggests transparency, which suggests the truly unique amazingness of our Emperor our President!!

Let us all, then, wear invisible Barack Obama Birthday ribbons on the 'morrow!!!

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Oooo! I'm making mine out of scotch tape right now!

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Dear Leader's Birthday: YOU didn't give birth to that! Somebody else made that happen!

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What do you expect from a guy named Cathy. Remember the boy named Sue? Just sayin'.

--Another Deep Collective Thought--

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I have to admit, comrades. I have eaten at Chick Fil A twice in the last three days. Not because I was part of any political statement opposed or in favor of gay marriage, but, because the endless talk and images of Chick Fil A on the news made me extremely hungry for one of their tasty chicken sandwiches and large oreo cookie shake, and the fact that it is about 1 minute away from my home.

I hope my actions have not disqualified me from Indifference Day.

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Why, even "O" suggests zero, which suggests nothing, which suggests transparency, which suggests the truly unique amazingness of our Emperor our President!!

Mathematics proves R.O.C.K.s statement to be true !

Obama Zero.jpg

Obama is equal to zero !
( Nothing could be more transparent than this.)

Comrade Betinov, I see that fluid level in jar is getting low. Are you getting drying out cure? If you are going on wagon (or under wagon if you cross dEar Leader), may I have your beet vodka ration? To use western expression, sobriety sucks.

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Comrade Brain, might I suggest a celebratory fluid soak for Dear Leader's Birthday made of a combination of drinks which I recently combined myself? You can always refill with beet vodka tomorrow, but this is a Special Day!!

The secret ingredients: 1/2 Tequila, 1/2 90-proof Coconut Rum.

I'm not kidding - a friend of mine discovered this combination somewhat by accident, and - while it sounds horrible - it's remarkably tasty, and the combination of tequila-crazy and rum-glow that results is most delightful!

I, myself, will be imbibing of precisely this liquid format later today, in celebration of Dear Leader's Birthday.

Already got my invisible ribbon on!

Comrade Brain, I can hardly wait to see what you think after your Birthday Soak!


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And just for the record, this delightfully progressive drink (detailed above) is sure to go well as both a before-dinner and an after-dinner drink for your indifferently eaten Chick-fil-A!

Toss a shot down your throat, before dinner; add an ice cube and sip, after dinner :)

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Since you have neglected to name your libation, I shall do so and claim ownership and discovery rights. I hereby proclaim this the "Cuba Excipio," and recommend it be drunk without a Che-ser.

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I'm going on Sunday when the hypocrites should be in Church instead of whoring for a dollar.
That'll show them fairy in the sky cavemen hatemongers.

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Update: No ones here? We must have a mole who tipped them off.
Well it won't work, I'll be here every Sunday for the next 5 years if need be to expose these hypocritical bible thumpers of hate.
