
Climate Crisis: Return of Chad Guy looming?

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As the November climate over Amerikkka appears to worsen, new study warns, quintessentially :

I just want to say one word to you. Just one word.
Yes, Comrade.
Are you listening?
Yes, I am.
election_2000 _chads_1.jpg
The possible chad storms may inrush either via the top of a despicable Tower in New York, or through Chappaqua Channels, or even - preclusion impossible - both. Or none of it, as the study reminds us : it's not a prognosis, it's a, you know, scenario...

If need be to handle a post-November-8th chad anomaly, it will be dealt with by specialized comrades, so-called Chadeks.

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Esteemed organisations CAIR, ISNA, MSA et al., backed by spiritual leaders all over the Ummah, started vigorous protests and filed strongly-worded claims. "Chadeks", so the complaint, sounds to a Musulman (PBUH) "like Zaddiks/Tzaddiks".

"Religions cannot influence elections. The Jews pull the strings everywhere. Now they want their grubby fingers all over November 8th." And OIC, the super-Rep of all 57 countries of Ummah, submitted a Tzaddiks/CAIR complaint to HRC1.

1 HRC stands not for Beloved Empress of chappaqua.mail fame, but for the Human Rigths Council.
