

POLL: Which Rethuglican Candidate is best suited to get the Dэaя Lэadэя re-elected?

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Out of the bowells of our Paяty Cэиtяal Committээ at the UN basement, we have just hatched out our latest 5 Yэaя Plaи for Marxist global dominance (this may be even bolder than the "Gloяious Woяld of ИЭXT TUЭSDAY™"). The official Party cover story is named CLIMATЭ DOOMSDAY™: ЛIиК

In this 5 Yэaя Plaи, the Paяty Cэиtяal Committээ produces a scenario of Global Warming 'end of the world' from which only total wealth redistribution can save humanity. Since the heart of global capitalism is the USA, the main goal of the plan is to turn the American Republic into a horse and buggy Socialist Utopia.

Key to this 5 Yэaя Plaи is to have the Dэaя Lэadэя abolish American Capitalism in the name of preventing the CLIMATЭ DOOMSDAY™. And at the rate we are going, with the ongoing 2 Trillion Dollar Deficit, and Obamacaяэ driving the American health sector into bankcruptcy, we may pull this off.

The greatest secret of this 5 Yэaя Plaи is to get the Dэaя Lэadэя re-elected by the American electorate, so that the destruction of American Capitalism becomes permanent. With Hugo Chavez' voting machines now in half of Blue States, this is almost a sure thing; necrovoters now can vote multiple times from beyond the grave, not merely once per election, as was the norm in Chicago and Newark. But we can't merely let this be won by necrovoters, we must suppress Rethuglican Voters, we must get another Moderate GOP Candidate on the ballot again.

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We must all do our part to stop this carbon dioxide menace! Everyone hold their breath until I say STOP!