
Common Sense Voting Rights Reform

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Comrades! I've been thinking about how Trump stole the election this last year.

We spent a LOT of money on the campaign. We rigged the primary so Hillary would be the uncontested candidate. We had the media operating as a campaign Fifth Column.

And still we lost.

How? How could the American voter, bombarded for months with the pure and sweet message of Progressive Truth, refuse to vote correctly? I can tell you in one word: Hate.

These hateful white supremacists are so wrapped up in their hate that they cannot do anything that isn't hateful. That includes their vote.

We already have managed to get the courts to declare some kinds of speech "hate speech" and stripped such speech of Constitutional protection. We are currently forging ahead with the concept of the microagression, that wonderful idea that if something offends a Progressive, it is unacceptable and must punished.

Why not take this to the next logical Progressive step and prevent hate votes as well?

Walk with me here. Progressive causes are pure and loving and inclusive and diverse. They really cannot be opposed by anyone with a good heart. Thus anyone who does oppose them is by definition bad. Hate is bad, so these bad people are filled with hate. We can ban hate speech, so why can't we ban hate votes?

Let's say that the city council in your home town has voted to remove the statue of Thomas Jefferson from a public park because Jefferson was a White Racist Slave Owner. You are a hate-filled White Supremacist who thinks (wrongly) that Jefferson made valuable contributions to the founding of the nation and penned concepts vital to human rights. In the next election you want to vote against the council members who voted to remove the statue...but the only reason you would vote against them is because you hate them for the way they voted. Thus you would be guilty of a hate vote, and your vote should be nullified.

If you are White and vote for a White candidate in an election where there is also an African American candidate, the only possible reason for your vote is hate, so your vote should be nullified.

If you are a male and you vote for a male candidate in an election that also has a female candidate, the only possible explanation for your vote is hate, so your vote should be nullified.

(Please note that this does not apply to voters who vote for a candidate because they are African American or female. That would be classified as a social justice love vote and count twice as much.)

As you can see, this would make elections both free and fair. Everybody gets to vote, so it is a free vote. Only the votes that are cast without hate would get counted, so it would be fair. Any vote against a Progressive candidate or proposition would of course be a hate vote. Any vote for a Progressive candidate of proposition would be a social justice love vote.

We could confidently expect to win any election with a 200% majority in favor of Progressive causes under this system.

Somebody call Maxine Waters...I think we have a winner of an idea here.

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I am so afraid for our country which is now controlled by Neo-Nazis.


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A Friendly Public Service Reminder with regards to hate groups vs. love groups.

Love and Hate: Instructional Video

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Brilliant, as ever, Betinov. Expanding upon your idea if I may, why not have separate voting booths: one for the progressively minded who will always cast love votes, and one for the suspected hate voters?
If you want to vote for the progressive candidate, you go to the appropriate booth, receive a free pound of weed, and cast your vote as much as you like. If you vote for the hate candidate, like Trump or Hitler, then you go to the appropriate booth where the guards are stationed (we care so much about free speech, we actually post guards to protect those of dissenting opinions while we quote Voltaire and struggle to keep a straight face).
However, the hate candidate booth would be up against a wall with a doorway leading to a rail platform. The hate voter is then sent away for rehabilitation which involves manufacturing free things promised by Bernie Sanders.
This is a standard practice in advanced progressive nations which are so smart because everybody has the same opinion and children play all through school and earn their PhDs by age 12. America, of course, is so dumb by comparison, but this idea would be a big step in the right direction of correcting that.

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Kommissar, we could actually get rid of the secret ballot and simply have each voter declare openly and publicly their vote before a Progressive People's Tribunal. This would eliminate hate voters hiding behind a curtain and expose them for the haters they are.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:Kommissar, we could actually get rid of the secret ballot and simply have each voter declare openly and publicly their vote before a Progressive People's Tribunal. This would eliminate hate voters hiding behind a curtain and expose them for the haters they are.
This gets better all the time. I see Next Tuesday on the horizon, now closer than ever.

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Rights? You get out of the van, stand in line, you get to the front, you take your pre-filled ballot and put it in the box you are told to put it in; you collect your pittance of payola from the community organizer, get back in the van and go home to go on about your beets.

And that's under Rethugglikkan rule! When the Party is in power, you go through the line no less than three times.

Where are rights in this process?

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