
Confederate Flag vs. Planned Parenthood

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I am confused here, please help me out. The Party says the Confederate flag is responsible for all of society's problems. It is even responsible for George W. Bush, who has destroyed everything on earth and beyond, and still continues to get in the way of Dear Leader cleaning up the messes he (Bush) created.

In short, the flag is a symbol of hate and divisiveness, and it must be banned. Even owning one should be a HateCrime™.

But, as we know, #BlackLivesMatter.

Planned Parenthood was started by Margaret Sanger who didn't like what she called "the negro race". She wanted to use birth control to eliminate the population of this race. And in modern times, her company Planned Parenthood aborts thousands upon thousands of blacks. It also funds members of our party who say that #BlackLivesMatter and gets its money by selling being reimbursed for organs from the undifferentiated masses of tissue that they abort. I mean, I don't know how you can get a liver or a heart from a mere clump of cells or blob of tissue, but maybe I missed something. But anyway, these are black lives that matter.

So, if we are banning the Confederate flag then shouldn't we also ban Planned Parenthood and shouldn't the Party's glorious politicians reject Planned Parenthood endorsements and return their money? Because #BlackLivesMatter?

Can you help me understand why the Party has not taken a stand on this yet? Thank you so much, Comrades!

Comrade Linen:

Because it is forbidden for progressives to stand where conservatives have already trod.

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Confederate Flag | Initials-CF
Planned Parenthood | Initials-PP

CF=Conservative Fucks
PP=Progressive Peace


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You are not supposed to argue against party values. Keep your thoughtkrime at bay.

PS someone send this person to the gulag. Please.

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Unless the abortionist is a white police officer, no lives matter.

Just last week, while trolling-for-pay through a Reich-Wing-Hate-Site, I was offended by the desecration of the Planned Parenthood symbol as displayed side-by-side with that hateful Confederate Flag.
