
Counter-revolutionaries Infiltrate Mother Jones?

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Terrible news has crossed the Craptek Wire Services official, real reporter's desk. Counter-revolutionaries may have infiltrated Mother Jones Headquarters and begun spreading lies and misinformation about our Earth-Friendly Pot Grower's of America allies.

The following propaganda was excerpted from a Mother Jones article recently published in their on-line journal of peace and love. Unbelievable, isn't it? All thinking and non-thinking comrades must unite to bring a halt to this subversive mischief at once! E-mail your local commissar, Nancy Pelosi, Huffington Post, somebody - and do it now - before these malicious rumors spread to the masses.

Pot Growing Today.jpg

"You thought your pot came from environmentally conscious hippies? Think again. The way marijuana is grown in America, it turns out, is anything but sustainable and organic. Check out these mind-blowing stats, and while you're at it, read Josh Harkinson's feature story, "The Landscape-Scarring, Energy-Sucking, Wildlife-Killing Reality of Pot Farming."

Comrades, this is just a sample of the lies found in the article above:

1) California authorities seized 119,000 lbs. of trash from illegal grow sites.
2) 72% of illegal plants are seized from public or tribal lands.
3) Illegal pot farms in CA use 60 million gallons of water a day.
4) An indoor grow of 4 plants uses as much electricity as 29 refrigerators.
5) Nationwide, indoor growers require the output of 7 large electrical power plants.
6) Every pound of pot grown indoors produces 4600 pounds of CO2.
7) Producing and distributing pot emits as much carbon as 3 million cars.
8) Energy needed to produce a single joint = burning a 100W bulb for 25 hours.

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Marijuana sucks energy!!.png

all the graphics and work that went into this article....

24 Mind-Blowing Facts About Marijuana Production in America

Are they wanting us to STOP production??? What about my brownies?

This must be the work of the Coke brothers....

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<spit>. Until these figures are properly converted into Algoreian carbon credits, or even bushels of corn diverted from ethanol production to manufacturing the increased demand in Nacho Doritos, its nonsense.

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Captain Craptek wrote: 8) Energy needed to produce a single joint = burning a 100W bulb for 25 hours.
Comrades, I would like to point out that this is no longer a problem, due to the conversion to CFL "curly-Q" earth-friendly light bulbs.

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Why does the article appear to assume that people are responsible? We need to get with the wild life on this one.


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Ummmm, we still have some Velveeta, don't we?

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5) Nationwide, indoor growers require the output of 7 large electrical power plants.

So long as it is from environmentally friendly electrical power plants, it's okay!

Zampolit Blokhayev wrote:
5) Nationwide, indoor growers require the output of 7 large electrical power plants.

So long as it is from environmentally friendly electrical power plants, it's okay!

Large plants are, like, good ... as long as they're female, you know?