
Dear Leader Announces New Terrorist Strategy DVD

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Contrary to what we have heard, Dear Leader Comrade President, Friend of the People, does have a glorious plan to deal with the ISIS terrorist threat White House officials said today.
Everyone should be getting their Official Dear Leader Kumbaya Sing Along and Golf Highlights DVD in the mail along with a vial of Official Dear Leader Choom Infused Unicorn Fairy Dust that you can use in case of terrorist attack.

He is also going to set up an Official National Send the World Love and Light Night (date TBD) where we can all sing Kumbaya with our Official Dear Leader Kumbaya Sing Along and Golf Highlights DVD, light candles & incense, and imbibe on recreational neurotoxins (Bring your own). Remember Citizens, participation is mandatory or you risk denouncement.

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If all else fails, there's always the Moochelle approved Broccoli Bomb -

B Bomb.jpg