
Donald Trump: Animal Abuser

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Komrades, I have just heard of this news. This is incredibly troubling and it just makes me hate Trump more.

A new report has come out on Donald Trump, saying that he abused an animal, specifically a whale, in 2006. In fact, not only did he abuse this whale, he completely destroyed the whale. He caused a lot of controversy back then, but Mr. Trump managed to explain away everything until now. The truth has come out, and it's gonna stump Trump!

Somebody showed Ivanka this report, and she immediately got up and walked away, crying in the process. The ASPCA also weighed in, although not in such an emotional fashion. They said in a press release that "Mr. Trump has broken the law for wanton murder of an animal. We intend to bring him to court."

You may ask "Why haven't I heard this yet?" Don't worry, it's a good question, you will NOT be reported. MSNBC, CNN, Faux News, CBS, Pravda, and Izvestia have not reported on this yet. This is because the pro-Hillary media don't want you to know this. But I, Komrade Stierlitz, work tirelessly scouring the bowels and the crannies of the internet to find you stories such as this. I hope you're happy.

Komrades, this makes me sick. I would've expected wifebeating and sex offending from Mr. Trump, but destroying whales!? That's absolutely evil! I mean, he was ALREADY evil, but that was just human evil. This is 7th circle of Gulag evil. This is so evil the Gulag actually isn't where he belongs, he actually belongs in a nuclear furnace. You can't stump Trump, huh? Try stumping gamma particles you racist bastard!

Mr. Trump was just a thoughtkriminal, and thoughtkrime leads to death, but I want to kill the man himself now, not just let the state do it. He deserves what's coming to him. I can't wait to see him behind bars in a Gulag eating nothing but bread and water.

I and several other Komrades are also currently in the process of taking legal action against Mr. Trump, not only for this abuse, but also for his disparaging remarks and his promises to build a wall so that Mexicans cannot come and join our Kollektive. We appreciate and accept donations at and

Finally, here is the report of Mr. Trump completely obliterating and destroying a whale. He calls the whale many hurtful names in the process. Viewer discretion is advised: ...

Just goes to show that -- no matter how obese -- Photoshop can make anybody look slim and fit.

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Here's an oldie that I had to dig WAAAY back in my archives to find:
