
Dr. Janeane Garofalo's Brilliant Analysis Of The Tea Parties

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Commissar Theocritus wrote: Now am such a good progressive that I don't take responsibility for <i>anything</i>.

What sort of sick ThoughtCrime™ is this Commissar? Who has been mixing guest soaps with your pills?

So, Comrade Clinton was not progressive when he claimed an improving economy before any of his bills were passed when he first came into office?

Is Obama a neo-con if he takes credit for even the slightest good news on the economy before his stimulus plan can go into effect????

No, a good progressive will take all responsibility for any possible good news, even if they had nothing to do with it. Then of course, deny all responsibility should things turn bad down the road.... such as Freddie Mac etc.

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Pupovich! Pupovich! Your semantics, sir! I don't take <i>responsibility</i> for anything.

I take <i>credit</i> for <i>absolutely everything</i>.

Progs hate that nasty old idea of actions having consequences. Just hate it. Because that means, er, responsibility. Now we progs like to assign responsibility. Responsibility in the mind of a Rethuglican is something that just is, like the mass of a rock. You can't shift it, you can't change it. It's a thing.

But that's so damned limiting. We Progs get power by making responsibility fungible. That's why we like affirmative action. That's shifting responsibility. That's why we like high taxes. And credit should be just as immovable as responsibility, but if make responsibility fungible then credit is fungible too.

So we get to take credit for what other people do and point the finger for what we did to someone else.

Because we aren't responsible, in any sense of the word.

Get it?

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Indeed we aren't responsible for anything. But when something good happens it is because of the wonderful goodness of being prog that made it happen. But when something bad happens it is because of our enemies, those who hate progs and wish to see us crushed. And so we can take credit for that happening too and still look good, because if people didn't hate us, they wouldn't do bad things to discredit us. One way or another progs end up looking good.

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Indeed. Being a prog means never having to own up.

A prog: what's mine is mine, what's yours is ours, and I get to say who's responsible.

I almost feel sorry for her. She is totally clueless and just can't focus. She's barely coherent. I couldn't watch the whole thing it was so awful.

I bet she wakes up every day in a bitter, twisted rage. I actually feel bad for her. What's ironic is she accuses people of hatred and bigotry when it's HER who's spewing bigotry.

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Tensigh, that's kind but it's important not to forget that her "prescriptions" for the world are those that led to the murder of over a hundred million people in the last century. She hates the perceived unfairness of life and will support any sort of force to redress her perceived wrongs. And since it never works, there's always something else even more coercive to try.

She's miserable and that makes her the most useful of idiots. David Horowitz, once a red-diaper baby, had his eyes opened by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. He had a philosophical journey to the right. He said, "I know these people. Show no mercy. When they'd down, kick them. Kick them again." He's right.

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Once again Dr. Oily Garofalo has enlightened the masses with her razor sharp political <b>anal</b>ysis. The One™ must surely be pleased with her. She is correct! For to oppose a glorious and compassionate future that a Marxist/Obamunist Soviet AmeriKa will bring, is without a doubt racism!

//Karacter Off

Nevermind the fact that her narcissistic mind cannot comprehend that there are a lot of people out in the world that, not only oppose, but vehemently object to General Secretary B. Hussain Obama's Marxist rule. That video really shined a light on what her life must be like. Shallow, empty, and lonely. What a sad human being she must be. The only thing she contributes to humanity is converting oxygen into carbon dioxide.


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Zampolit, Comrade Garafolo revels in the requisite Prog rage! A prog is nothing without rage! Have you ever heard of a happy Prog? No. Angry Progs, yes. Spiteful Progs, yes, resentful Progs--that's required. Jealous Progs, nasty Progs, miserable Progs, but of course.

Smug Progs, sneering Progs, but most of all just miserable Progs.

And she is the Proggiest of the Progs. A Proglodyte.