
Egyptian Terrorism Cadet needs remedial training

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Plane hijacker gives himself up as he is surrounded by snipers: Hostages run to safety after man with fake suicide vest forces jet to land in Cyprus (but not before he poses for selfie with passenger)

Seif Eldin Mustafa has been judged, and will require additional instruction before he may prove his true value to the Religion of Peace.

"His arrest followed a comment by an Egyptian Foreign Ministry official, who said: 'He's not a terrorist, he's an idiot. Terrorists are crazy but they aren't stupid. This guy is." Notice that the arrest was made AFTER his performance evaluation.

Seen above in a Selfie with an admiring passenger, Mr. Mustafa was participating in the graduation exercise from his terrorist school, stopping in Cypress to let his wife know how well he was doing, until his "final exam" was interrupted.

Had he attempted his practical examination in Europe or the United States, he might have been shot. Fortunately for all, he was on an Egyptian Airline, and was subjected only to public rebuke, and will be sent for remedial training in aircraft hijacking before being given live explosives.

72 virgins will just have to wait until graduation...

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YIKES! His FACE needs remedial treatment! Those glasses don't work with any face, let alone his! That hairstyle doesn't work with his face either! JEEZ!

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Sterlitz, go denounce yourself for judging others on their appearance. Do you judge our lesbian comrades for wearing flannel? Do you judge Commisarka Pinkie when she doesn't wash her babushka after a day in the fields? Do you judge Comrade Putout for wearing anything?

Jiffy-Lobo. Right now. Get your mind right and come back when you are able to follow the Party Line...

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:Sterlitz, go denounce yourself for judging others on their appearance. Do you judge our lesbian comrades for wearing flannel? Do you judge Commisarka Pinkie when she doesn't wash her babushka after a day in the fields? Do you judge Comrade Putout for wearing anything?

Jiffy-Lobo. Right now. Get your mind right and come back when you are able to follow the Party Line...

I have never judge Komissarka and Putout a day in my life. But I DO judge our lesbian komrades for wearing flannel. I'd rather they be kissing while not wearing flannel. Heck, kissing while not wearing ANYTHING would be even better!

And did I ever say anything about who he was? No. He obviously supports the Party's values of subversion and expansion, just look at his mission. He had a fake belt, so that means that less people will believe the real belts, which means that more people will be killed in the name of allah! It's just that he should've been attractive so that he could have subverted more people.

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Biff Henderson wrote:
It needs something...

Umm... What's the word I'm looking for? Viagra! That's it!

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Hmmm... did you spell the commercial name for the little blue pill korrektly? Censorship programme used to replace names of drugs with funny things, so that kapitalist spamming bots could not post kommercial subversion that would lead hard working proles to believe that they might be part of the Party provided health care programme (snort! I'm sorry... huhuhuhuhuh... heheheheheheh... aahahahahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!... Party provided proletariat health care... aaaaahhh! I crack myself up sometimes... )... Aaaanyway... There used to be censorship programme for kapitalist attempts to post the names of drugs... and did replace name with some very funny things... wonder what happened to it... maybe I will try some...
Valium (V@Iium)
Viagra (Vl@gra)
Zoloft (Z0Ioft)
Celexa (çeIexa)
Prozac (Pr0z@k)

Will post and see what happens....

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Nope... is turned off... guess they haven't caught on to all the little M's on their medications... and sometimes a peanut inside...