
Everyone Knows It's Wendy

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Yes, Sweet Margaret,

You are korrect! Destroy all Humanity and whatever true kindness is left, for the children!

That's the ticket, and the true path to Utopia! We Utopians kill one another for the Greater Good! WE know what's best.

Who are WE? Well, that just depends upon who is in power. Eh, eh, eh.

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Such imagery of the Amerikkan plight is inspiring!


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Is she the progressive candidate with the T4 Action Plan? It is heaartwarming to see someone who wants to relieve these burdensome lives. Bonus points for the forage saved from the useless eaters.

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Wendy "Abortion Barbie" Davis is destined to a lofty position of greatness in the next Clinton Administration. Especially if she can turn Texazistan into a blue state again...

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And so it spreads...

From Houston, the lesbian Mayor Anisse Porker Parker is also destined for a dominant position on the Clinton Staff (different meaning for Hillary than for Bill...).

She has passed a law allowing use of restrooms of choice for transgenders, and is now pressuring pastors and ministers of white churches to know what they are saying in their sermons.
While this is illegal as hell, she is effectively daring anyone to challenge what she's doing, much the way Dear Leader (PBUH) uses his pen and phone.

As a genetic woman, lesbian, democrat, she will go all the way!

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Well, sure she's go her flaws... but Hell, I'd do 'er!