
Exodus from Puerto Rico to Mainland US: Detroit reciprocates

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Economic hardships in Puerto Rico spur a mass exodus to the U.S. mainland

Citing higher taxes, unsafe schools, lack of public services, and out-of-control social benefits being abused, residents of Puerto Rico are fleeing to the mainland US.

At the same time, residents of Detroit are moving to Puerto Rico in search of improved living conditions and better benefits.

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[quote="Well I just had to say to myself "Well duh!!" when Ivan the Stakhanovets"]
Citing higher taxes, unsafe schools, lack of public services, and out of control social benefits being abused, residents of Puerto Rico are fleeing to the mainland US.

[highlight=#ffff00]At the same time, residents of Detroit are moving to Puerto Rico in search of improved living conditions and better benefits.[/highlight][/quote]


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Fhalkyn wrote:The grass may not be greener, comrade, but the dollar sure is!

There's something else that's greener, but the DEA doesn't like for us to talk about it...

As for the grass being greener, there's a saying:

"The reason why the grass is greener on the other side is because it's fed with bullshit"

But, in this case, both sides have bullshit. It's Kollektive Bullshit! It sounds just like the old days of the kollektive farm! (At least for me, I'm the last person to work at State Victory Gin Distillery No. 84)

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Comrades, having listened to this official Government documentary (it's on the internet, it has to be true), I believe that Next Tuesday exists, and must be shared...

Equality of Results!