
Facts of Life: Obama's Long-Form Birth Certificate

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As Commisarka Pinkie might put it, I'd rather you learn about facts of life here on the People's Blog than from some hooligan kid behind the public bathroom.

What do I believe? First off, I believe it is more beneficial to defeat Barack Obama and his fellow progs on the ideological, philosophical, and economic grounds. If the country denies him presidency due to a lack of qualifications in these areas, that would also be a defeat for his cause and a rejection of the "progressive" agenda.

Disqualifying Obama on a technicality, such as his birth certificate, would not be such a strong move. That would leave his ideology unscathed; plus it might generate sympathy for the "poor devil." At once, some other leftist demagogue will emerge - this time with a valid certificate - to run under Obama's banner, take his place, and finish his job of destroying the best humanity has ever created - the United States of America.

So I'm not much of a "birther." That is apart from the fact that I resent the term: being a "birther" implies some parity with being a "truther" - while one can't in clear conscience equate a group of people who question a president's place of birth with a group of people who wildly claim that another president had deliberately murdered thousands of Americans at the World Trade Center for some inexplicable gain.

Yet, there has been an interesting development in this case that would have deserved attention even if Obama were born on top of Mount Vernon.
Remember Obama's long-form birth certificate posted as a PDF on the government website on April 27, 2011, as an answer to Donald Trump's questions? Turns out, if opened in Adobe Illustrator - the primary editing tool for PDF - the file reveals a number of layers containing images of words and letters that could not have gotten there if this were merely a scan or a photograph. See it yourselves if you have an Adobe Illustrator installed.

As someone who knows a few things about graphic editing programs - if only out of professional curiosity - I took some time to examine the allegations below - and couldn't find fault in any of the arguments. Neither could I find any valid counterarguments.

If someone gives me a convincing explanation why the supposedly old, pre-computer-era document was assembled of various graphic pieces that are slightly mismatched in color and sharpness, I'll be the first to post it on this thread as an important update.

There may well be some innocuous reason for the existence of those mysterious layers - although, considering the stakes and the political games around this issue, no innocuous reason would explain why those layers hadn't been flattened before posting the file (a rookie could have done it), or why the file hadn't been fixed even after the problem had been discovered.

Was it the result of slackness that always follows "progressive" reformers like the tail follows the donkey? Or was it a cleverly planted provocation designed to lure the opposition closer to the edge, and then give them a little push?

Whatever the case, you have a right to know the facts, hear the arguments, you draw your own conclusions.

12-Page Report by Adobe programs expert Mara Zebest (PDF)

In addition, Mark Gillar, a radio talk show host of Tea Party Power Hour has started an online petition demanding "An Immediate Congressional Investigation Into The Electronic Birth Certificate Released by President Barack Hussein Obama."

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I'd rather you learn about facts of life here on the People's Blog than from some hooligan kid behind the public bathroom
Just like a Repuiblican....stealing jobs from hooligan kids and hoarding them for yourself.

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Oleg, first of all, thanks for posting what you did. I, too, have little doubt that the latest "birth certificate" is a forgery, and I also have very little doubt that he's not constitutionally qualified to be president. Will that ultimately matter in a country where most of the people still believe that Sarah Palin is Tina Fey and attribute the things Tina said on Saturday Night Live to Sarah? Probably not.

To me, what matters about this issue is that it has shown, repeatedly, the callous disregard for basic truth which Mr. Obama possesses, as well as the fact that he and his minions are willing and able to go to great - and even blatantly illegal - lengths to casually (on the surface, at least) deceive the American people. While a large percentage of Americans may be sleeping, the majority of them really do still care, and considerable numbers of them are actually waking up. Too little too late? Time will tell - what I've called for years "What's Left of America" is truly hanging over a cliff by a thread in MANY respects, from the Muslim threat to China to having a gang of criminals running the country for the last many years.

I truly hope it's not too late - the United States of America is/was an amazing experiment in self government, unparalleled in the history of the world. Our founders went to great lengths to prevent what's happened - "Tie them down with the chains of the constitution", Thomas Jefferson - but human nature being what it is, we quickly went to sleep and slowly, gradually, the chickens are coming home to roost.

No offense to Red Rooster, of course :)


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Image I don't actually consider myself a great student of history, at least not in the sense conveyed in the study of Shakespeare in high school (!)

I remember about 1958 or so the church I grew up in was passing around a rumor about some "planks" in a communist manifesto written a long time ago and how many of those things had been implemented since Woodrow Wilson was in office. Didn't think much of it because that denomination was known for being a tad sensational anyway.

And later on, in the early 1970's there was another rumor about some NEW manifesto with some bad ideas in it, like "situational ethics" and whatnot.

Nonetheless, I just blew it all off as incredible religious gossip.

Honestly, it wasn't until I got internet service in 1996 that I actually sought out and READ the various Manifestos. The first one I stumbled across was the Humanist Manifesto II of 1973. Probably because I was having an argument with somebody about "Situational Ethics".

Upon actually READING the Manifesto II, the exact words that came out of my mouth were: "OH....MY.....GAWD. This is the bible of the new age, hippy-dippy, far out man, enviro-freak, arrogant, smart-alek professional LEFT".

Since my experience with them through the years left me wondering if they were reading the same script, I wondered WHAT that script was and WHERE I could find it. Turns out, this is what "modern education" IS. This sick, arrogant doctrine is taught to kids from Kindergarten on, and rule #1 about college is YOU MUST BECOME A COMMUNIST, because that's "intellectual".

Since the very first sentence of Manifesto II refers to the Humanist Manifesto I of 1933, I decided I needed to go read it too. For some reason, the name John Dewey keeps showing up in this new age crap. Hmmm. Perhaps John Dewey isn't getting nearly enough credit for helping create the "Progressive Movement".

Then I got around to reading the Communist Manifesto. OH....MY.....GAWD. Not family friendly.

Of course, this couldn't be happening, could it?

Why No One Is Married

How Dr. Spock destroyed America

United Nations Population Fund Leader Says Family Breakdown is a Triumph for Human Rights

Image Naw. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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Excellent work!

You will be pleased to know the FIB [Federal Investigative Bureaucrats] have been hard at work shuffling papers and getting approvals since the information was received.

Due to personnel shortage, qualified expert testimony, and lack of a typing pool, inclement weather, humidity, the final report will require about 600 days from today to complete.

Major says Some report!

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I used to ask why he didn't just release his long form birth cert. Now I ask why he did.

Before there was always some smidgen of reasonable doubt. Now there is no doubt. Nobody who had a BC would release such an obvious fake.

Did he think that would fool anyone? Because the only ones who accept it as genuine are those who always wanted to believe he had one.

Was it a joke? A deliberate snub to his opponents akin to thumbing his nose?

I never held any hope in unseating Obama over this. If it was proven beyond doubt the day after he took the oath of office, til it crawled through the courts, his first term would be up. So in the end, it's a matter of principle and it marks the end of the rule of law in America.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:So in the end, it's a matter of principle and it marks the end of the rule of law in America.
What he said.
Let's hope it's not too late to get it back. The founders knew what the rule of men ALWAYS leads to.

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Worldwide advances in medicine.

At a worldwide meeting of the medical community establishment the topic of medical advances was discussed.

The Israeli medical representative stated "We took a man without any balls and corrected that, within 1 month he was up and able to go out looking for work.

The Russian medical representative said "We took a man who had no heart and implanted a new one, within 3 weeks he was up and able to go out looking for work.

The German medical representative said "We had a man with only half a brain, repaired it, and with 2 weeks he was out and able to go out looking for work.

The US representative laughing over the apparent lack of medical progress in the other nations stated "We took a man from Kenya who had no heart, no balls, no brain and elected him president, within 1 week everybody was out looking for work.