
Farrakhan Speaks The Truth

For a quick education on what matters in today's world, no news source is second to The Final Call. Minister Farrakhan is not afraid!

Here are some recent headlines:

  • Was New Orleans Levee Breach Intentional?
  • FBI's ongoing racial profiling hurts national interest
  • The veil is lifted in France as Black and Arab youth rebel
  • Put Muslim Program to Congress
  • Muslims around the world suspicious of Bush ‘war on Islam'
  • Africa - Venezuela: Weaving New Alliances with Cultural Threads

And they offer the finest literature: "The Synagogue of Satan" and "The Ugly Truth About The ADL".


Me, I'm going to the nearest library to get one of these.

Smash the fascist libraries!!

Komrade Fullome:

The glory you spread by shedding light on these most important issues is enlightening. It's finally time to show the Jew to the door. For thousands of years these "people" have brought nothing but decadent invention after decadent invention - strange scientific theories that no one understands but most likely have to do with mass extermination of people of color, and money: the most evil invention, specifically designed to keep our brothers of color down. These Jew "people" are obvious parasites of society and for whatever reason, they have been tolerated throughout the world for thousands of years and allowed to profit off of the People! At long last someone is going to up and do something about these vile, unedukated swindlers.

Dr. Rev. Farrakhan is a holy man of the cloth and if he says those people are actual devils - hey - you know it's true. I'm going to go out on a bit of a limb here, but someone might should consider killing them all. Why these Jew "people" are allowed to go about ruining our lives, and do so unmolested, is the greatest mystery mankind has ever faced. Hopefully Father Farrakhan's book club will have some useful advice about controlling these pests. . . these lazy no good thieves.

Damn them! Damn it all! Oh the humanity! Why oh why is Bush allowed to send Jewish owned Halliburton manufactured hurricane to massacre millions of people of color? Where is Komrade Hillary? We need Her and Father Farrakhan to drive these vermin away from our blessed Kountry! Shiest!

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I never realized how many liberals hang around libraries. I have been going to mine lately to pick up my little brother and I see all the cars parked outside with liberal bumper stickers all over them. That pretty much kills all my desires to do any research or anything else there..

Kommissar Betty - of course the library is full of fellow Comrades of the Revolution! These hard working Proletariat wish to better themselves - to improve their love of Revolution and committment to the Red Banner by reading carefully selected and sanctioned State books. It is a Glory that the People are given such a place to re-familiarize themselves with the Truth of the State! You see - we, the Workers, labor - but we are rewarded with opulent palaces of Learning and Truth! Comrade Hillary works tirelessly to provide us with such perks that Kapitalist Jew running dogs would take away from us without a seconds notice. We know they hate books. We know they burn them every chance they get. Damn them!

Again, it's strange how no one has thought to attack these vile sub humans. . .either with words or weapon. Father Farrakhan - how can we rid ourselves of these Jewish creatures in our midst? They are obviously inferior and hate us! Why, look at how they have stolen all of the Middle East!! Those terrorists of Zion have to be stopped dammit! Is there really any doubt that they plan to take over the world? And they most obviously have plans to move on Africa first - you know they plan to conquer that continent before moving to Europe and then the Western Hemisphere. They are insatiable in their need for land and power! We must kill them all so that our poor camel loving brothers can merely go back to the homes those Jewish animals took from them!