
FLATUS Vows to Skin Romney and Eat Him Like Tamale

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The television food channels are abuzz today with a rumor that First Lady Above the United States Moochele Obama has a new recipe - she has vowed to skin Mitt Romney and eat him, on live TV, like a tamale. Various cable networks expect millions of viewers, as people all over the world tune in to see just what FLATUS meant when she said "secret sauce".

Presidential candidate and generally evil person Mitt Romney was observed smiling.

I don't know if I've ever seen a photo with more body language in it than this. BOTH of them. Nuances all over, as well as some amazing blatancy. This woman is so far above everyone she doesn't even think to control herself in the middle of the stage on national TV!

Comrades, I think there's going to be a major explosion in one of the coming debates :)

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I know I may face the gulags and severe reeducation for admitting this, but I don't think that I have ever seen a scarier underbite than that of our glorious leader's dear Michelle. SCARY underbite!

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Comrade Schweinhund, it is a platform upon which to balance a tamale. No doubt developed over the years somewhat like Nancy Pelosi's frozen face, but possibly more "natural" - you know, you exercise parts of your body and they get bigger and stronger.

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Why does Moochelle always look like she just finished cleaning a string of catfish?

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Judging by the size of the First Horse's patootie, it seems she's been eating a LOT of Romneys, and this won't be her first.