
From The First Letter of Saul to the BO-rinthians


In this trying week of religiosity and intolerance, let us pause for a moment, comrades, and reflect on the words of the Organizer Saul, in his letter to the BO-rinthians ..

"And cravenly seek the baser things. For I show you an even more corrupted way"

"Though I shriek with the tongues of demons and harpies but hath not envy, I am become unsounded brass and padded gongs. And though I have the gift of doublespeak and distorteth all truth and all wisdom and though I have hypocrisy and cynicism to divide whole civilizations into paralyzing rancor and despair but stirreth up no envy ... I am nothing."

"And though I tax all earned wealth to give to the idle and ungrateful and though I give up the careers and reputations of friends and underlings to be tosseth under the bus ... but increaseth not envy, it profits me nothing."

"Envy tolerates nothing and is cruel. Envy does not love. Envy seeks but to provoke, thinks naught but evil, rejoices in iniquity, recoils from the truth ... corrupts all things, finds all things unbearable, finds all things hopeless, makes all things unendurable."

"Envy never fails. But whether there are resentments, they will fail. Whether there is degeneracy, it will cease. Whether there are falsehoods, it will pass away. For now we lie in part and we dissemble in part, but when He who is The One has come, then measures that were partial will be done away with."

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, thought as a child, reasoned as a child, but when I failed to become a man, I redoubled my focus on childish things. But now abide Malice, Deceit and Envy -- but the greatest of these is Envy."

All comrades respond: Praise to you, Obama

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Dear Leader's mentor is so,! I can't follow anything He says but I'm sure He's always right. How does He do that? What a guy! Such a gift.

What can one say but, "Here endeth the lesson". Amenvy.

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I want to ensure we're discussing the same Saul, here. This is Saul Alinsky: the man who was blinded by envy on the road to Academic™ idolization and, as result of his 'moment of epiphany', decided to dedicate his life to anti-Christ and his new testament, "Rules for Radicals", to the first Revolutionary. A hero of the movement! He inspires movement in me every time I think about him.

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Comrade Callmelennie, the Ministry of Truth salutes you.

Maybe the four blood moons are encouraging collective soul searching of late. I noticed Comrade Bloomberg is proud of purchasing a heavenly residence in the great hereafter. To quote: "I have earned my place in heaven". Has communism added a touch of deism to its atheism as a sort of insurance policy?

Mr. Bloomberg is Jewish I assume so this must be Old Testament. I think the New Testament application is "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven, unless he donates heavily to gun control." Dispelling at last the outdated belief that you can't buy your way into heaven. In other words, from a Christian perspective, Jesus died for sinners who don't have enough money to purchase heaven on their own.

Comrade Bloomberg, I dub thee the Apostle of Affluence. Now, go spread this gospel to the one percent.

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Comrade Callmelennie, I am so inspired that I will posthaste post this passage from Saul above my litter box where I can muse upon it night and day.

It has been asked by absolutely no comrade whatsoever -- "Are these so-called BO-rinthians the same folk as the Gore-inthians" By no means, Comrades! Borinthia remains a vibrant beacon to the World of Next Tuesday, while Gore-inth was obliterated in the great 100-ft sea level inundation of 2011, which followed the catastrophic breakup of the Antarctic ice sheet.

Below you will see a picture of the only survivor of the "Doom of Gore-inth" bowing down to the mostly submerged Gore-inthian shrine -- "Capitalism Inflicting Her Carbon Footprint on The World."
