
Gilded Bolivarian Dagger prize goes to Comrade Obama

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Republican Reactionaries, like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush showed the world how weak and soft Reactionaries are in ruling the Proletariat by keeping their speeches short. The Proletariat needs and wants to be treated like the serfs they are, by speaking to them for more than an hour and in a demeaning way. The Proletariat is like the wife of a Vodka-loving Tovarich, who needs to be beat down and verbally assaulted constantly to keep her in her place. That is why good Socialist Leaders have always spoken at length in their speeches (if the masses don't fall asleep in a speech, they are being pampered), from Lenin, to Stalin, to Fidel and Hugo, and now comrade Obama.


For this reason, I as a good card-carrying member of the International Socialiste, nominate Comrade Barack Hussein Obama for the 'Gilded Bolivarian Dagger'. Fidel and Hugo have shared the dagger, and now it should naturally be bestowed upon Comrade Obama, for speaking to the Proletariat as Socialism requires.


All hail the glorious Socialist Revolution of North America!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Comrade, are should sure that is a DAGGER Chairman Fidel and Charwoman Chairman Hugo are sharing? I thought perhaps glorious state surgeon made a tactical error while giving Chairman Fidel his haircut (but it's close enough for government work, eh comrades?) Either way, these two giants of socialism seem awfully fond of what they've uncovered.

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Viva the golden dagger! But it seems to have some brown smudges on it. Perhaps Barney Frank could clean it off (he has experience with that sort of stain) before we thrust it into upon Dear Leader.