

POLL: Should Islamonazi Terrorists be moved to the USA?

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The Day has come for our DЭMOCЯAT Paяty Dэaя Lэadэя to cash in his 2012 LANDSLIDE MANDATE, and 166 inmates in Guantanamo to be immediately turned into full fledged American Citizens.

LINK to the 166 new American Citizens

No more will they be forced to put up with Cuban sandfleas and Dengue Fever, they will now enjoy all the amenities of Federal Prisons from New Jersey to Seattle, stocked with internet access, drag queens and plenty of potential American recruits.

Next thing you know, when Islamonazi Terrorists nuke Miami Beach, the 166 will be allowed to be exchanged for 5 kidnapped American Contractors in Pakistan.

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Well, there is more flexibility now ....


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Let's not forget the newly acquired maximum security prison O'bungo and the feds bought (with taxpayer dollars) in Illinoiz, Thomson Correctional Center. "dick" Turbin has already promised that these foul scum will sit and rot (with the rest of Illinoiz) without any hope of getting out*.

*That is until the ACLU files their many lawsuits on behalf of the terrorists and wins a judgment to represent them in civil courts with full constitutional rights.

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SOMEbody changed my car radio from NPR to something else, and I accidentally found myself listening to somebody claiming to be "Mike Huckabee" whilst driving around at lunch. This "Huckabee" said that when he was governor he and his head of prisons toured the Gitmo facility. They were shocked at how nice the facilities were compared to state and federal prisons.

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What do you expect from someone with the name "Hucksterbee"?