
God Wants To See Us Put People Back To Work

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It was only a matter of time before the Almighty became fed up with the opposition to President Obama's plans for heaven on earth. President B. Hussein Obama has finally heard directly from the big guy.

President Barack Obama spoke in front of the Key Bridge, which spans Arlington, Va. and Washington, this morning, urging Congress to pass the infrastructure piece of his jobs plan, the American Jobs Act.

"If Congress tells you they don't have time, they got time to do it. We've been in the House of Representatives, what have you guys been debating? John (Speaker John Boehner), you've been debating a commemorative coin for baseball? You have legislation reaffirming that In God We Trust is our motto. That's not putting people back to work. I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work," Obama said.


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Image This is the same congress that could have been debating healthcare reform but chose to conduct special investigations of steroid use in baseball. There is nothing like leadership, and in fact, Congress still demonstrates NOTHING like leadership.

Image Anyone see a problem here? No? Move along... This "God" is reported to have healed the sick without billing supplemental insurance policies. No wonder Dear Leader (PBUH) has the only answer to healthcare.

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Of course Dear Leader trusts in God, which is our glorious Federal bureaucratic system. Dear Leader is the system and the system is God. So Obama is God. So God speaks to Obama because he is of himself the system, which is God. And so Obama speaks to himself as to what is best for the system, which is of and is himself, because Obama the God speaks, and the system, which is Obama, listens. And, uhh, where was I going with this? Oh well, you get it because it makes perfect sense.

You didn't think that Dear Leader heard from the fictitious God of the Bible, did you?

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Holy Hopey
JeremiahWright 29:11
For I know the plans I have for 99 out of 100 of you, declares the ONE, plans for your welfare as a most holy tax will befall the evil 1%'ers, thus giving you my promised land - a future of hope 'n change.


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Perhaps our Lord Obama is talking to himself.

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Krasnodar, it's good to see you back to your former glorious and lobotomized self :)

And yes - I think you're exactly right. The One™ was speaking, via teleprompter no doubt, to The One™

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Krasnodar wrote:[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img]

Perhaps our Lord Obama is talking to himself.

While Occupying the Oval Office.
