
Government Liturature Now Part of US Education Standards

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The Committee for National Security has issued an advisory regarding criticism leveled by bourgeois Capitalist press entities criticizing the Party and Comrade President Barack Barackovich's decision through the Department of (Re)Education to mandate reading of official Party materials as Literature in Kindergarten through High School.

Here is an excerpt from this salacious and counter-revolutionary propaganda, this polluted attempt to undermine the People's confidence in State-directed education:

Sparking this war is the Common Core standards push – an effort to nationalize the standards and assessments upon which every public school in America would base its curriculum. The Obama administration has poured billions of dollars into the effort via federal “Race to the Top” grants.

As always when it comes to federal largesse, there are strings attached. And in this case, the push for Common Core standards is pulling the rug out from under classic literature.
Literacy experts point out that The Common Core denigrates the value of teaching literature in the classroom. Instead, English teachers are being told that 50 percent of their course material must be derived from “informational texts.” (Actually, the informational text requirement starts at a “mere” 25 percent of reading material for kindergarteners. It rises to 70 percent for high school seniors.)

What, exactly, meets the definition of informational texts? Among those recommended on the national standards list we find The Federal Reserve Bank's “FedViews,” “The Evolution of the Grocery Bag,” and “Health Care Costs in McAllen, Texas.” And, roll over “For Whom the Bell Tolls” it's time to make way for that GSA classic: “Executive Order 13423: Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.”

As all true Socialists know, literacy is one of the most important means the Party has to guarantee the proper indoctrination of the Masses. If the Proletariat cannot properly understand State communications, how will they be able to fill out forms, read regulations necessary for proper government, or even fill out something so simple as a vacation request form?

The Party is working hard to ensure that today's young Socialists (i.e. public school students) develop a taste for fine governmental writing, especially detailed bureaucratic process instructions and legislation from Party Organs. If students are not properly indoctrinated in the value of such literature, how will they ever succeed in following the path set for them by the Party?

As we all know, Socialist Literature has always played an important part in the indoctrination of the workers and peasants. From the glorious days of the Soviet Revolution, we have such great classics as Cement. Even now, young people are finding hope and inspiration in reading Comrade President Barack Barackovich's Dreams of My Father. Should we not continue to inspire them with equally motivations works, like Executive Order 13423?

Comrades, do not listen to counter-revolutionary elements and wreckers who seek to destroy our vision of a Socialist America, where all children will have equal access to all the necessities of life, along with the ability to complete government forms to access their necessities and rations. Down with retrograde Bourgeoisie who seek to make reading merely a recreational activity or a groundwork for non-standardized thinking!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Proletarian Red-noser

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How dare they say that the Common Core standards requirement for reading Government Mandated™ informational texts will prevent The Children™ from being exposed to fiction! Boring yes. Fiction, no! There are no better fiction writers than the Government, and as disseminated by the MSM.

This is Tuesday™! There may no longer be any "N-words" in Huckleberry Finn since we don't want to offend or provoke anyone, but why risk it? Stick to Executive Order 13423. And by the way, your one paragraph essay on "What I did for the Government Last Summer" will be due when you get around to it.

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Dear Comrade Anyer,

As you well know from years of experience, such concepts as 'fiction' and 'non-fiction' are decadent and outdated Bourgeois categories that have no equivalents in our Socialist Reality. We know that Social Truth is often better communicated through imaginary scenarios rather than examples from real life. Therefore, a 'non-fiction' book may communicate lies by departing from Party interpretations and Marxist Theory, whereas a 'fiction' work, such as "Dreams of My Father," can provide the Masses with important truths through which they can reinterpret their circumstances and come to truth the judgment of the Party.

It is never about 'fact' or 'fiction,' but about political correctness and conformity to Party policy.

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Nomenklatura-climber -

To expand on your valid point, books have no meaning beyond that which we subjectively assign to them based on our prior conditioning. In short, books have no meaning, period.

That is the deconstructivist method first applied, I think, by Hamlet, who was himself a concrete fictional character.

Shakespeare wrote:POLONIUS: What do you read, my lord?
HAMLET: Words, words, words.

It is quite possible that the book he was reading was titled "Executive Order 13423."

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Dear Comrade Director Red Square,

Thank you for this illumination!

Can we not also use Dialectical Materialism to see the value of the book as an object produced by the workers? In this way, we can see the value of a book in burning it as a way of transforming labor into energy benefitting the Masses when the barrack's centralized heating goes down, whereas the book sitting in a library represents the people's efforts being inefficiently squandered.

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But comrades, without books to teach us the korrekt thinking mistakes like this happen: Image

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Comrades, comrades - what use do I have for books when I have all I need in my Obamaphone?

Certainly, for children in the public indoctrination centers school system books may still be needed - but they'll be phased out soon enough.

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Comrades, comrades - what use do I have for books when I have all I need in my Obamaphone?

Certainly, for children in the public indoctrination centers school system books may still be needed - but they'll be phased out soon enough.

No need for the class (ification) "children", since the Party commands requests ALL comrades will be as "children" shortly. Thus we will ALL be EQUAL in the eyes of "O". (PBUH) Oh! The glories of This Tuesday™!

PS...ROCK, thanks for warning re the Sgt.. He only called me UR Crap and let it go at that! Whew!

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Comrades, I have read Executive Order 13423. It was a mountaintop experience of bathing in soaring rhetoric.
Here is a stirring example taken from the heading, Electronics Management...
Annually, 95 percent of electronic products
Purchased must meet Electronic Product
Environmental Assessment Tool standards
Where applicable;
Enable Energy Star® features
On 100 percent of computers and monitors;
And reuse,
Or recycle
100 percent of
Electronic products using environmentally
Sound management
Pardon my tears, comrades, but such poetic beauty gets my sentimental side every time.
But you must read the order for yourself in the original legalese to fully appreciate its grandeur. Read it for its glorious context and you'll be swept away by the regulations demanding a scheduled austerity to put the American in his place - that is, a mud hut on a collective somewhere. Truly I am a midget standing before literary giants.
It changed my life, and believe me, it'll change yours, too.

Comrade Academician Seidman of Georgetown University Law School was caught behind the Peoples curve even though he's been thinking and grading on it his entire career. He has called for the archaic Constitution of the United States to be totally scrapped due to its content and downright Evil thought. (Any limitation on State power is evil by default). As the self serving legal establishment began to deconstruct that document a century ago to now mean whatever the People's Justices of Washington D. C. says and hands down from the People's Bench, Comrade Seidman is simply back to where he started. It is the United States that is finished. Long live the People's State. None need read it ever again. Free at last! The reading assignment for your book reports is 50 Shades of Grey. And you will like it.
"We are indeed fortunate the people do not think."
Adolph Hitler

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Thought Police? Thought control? Korrect thought? What does this mean?

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I.M. Craptek wrote:Thought Police? Thought control? Korrect thought? What does this mean?
It means that executive orders will now be presented as unquestionably authoritative to young and uninformed minds.

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Komissar Blogunov wrote:
I.M. Craptek wrote:Thought Police? Thought control? Korrect thought? What does this mean?
It means that executive orders will now be presented as unquestionably authoritative to young and uninformed minds.
Yes, but since the prols don't think, of what value is "Korrect thought"? Anyway, a quick and inexpensive Jiffy-Lobo™ is available today for those that "resist". Yes? What more does a New Man need?


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spymyeyes wrote:But comrades, without books to teach us the korrekt thinking mistakes like this happen: Image

Isn't this obvious that a BOOK was the inspiration for this happening? The pole up the A-hole is only ancillary inspiration.

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Nomenklatura-climber wrote:Dear Comrade Anyer,

As you well know from years of experience, such concepts as 'fiction' and 'non-fiction' are decadent and outdated Bourgeois categories that have no equivalents in our Socialist Reality. [highlight=#ffff00]We know that Social Truth is often better communicated through imaginary scenarios rather than examples from real life.[/highlight] Therefore, a 'non-fiction' book may communicate lies by departing from Party interpretations and Marxist Theory, whereas a 'fiction' work, such as "Dreams of My Father," can provide the Masses with important truths through which they can reinterpret their circumstances and come to truth the judgment of the Party.

It is never about 'fact' or 'fiction,' but about political correctness and conformity to Party policy.

Indeed. So when a prole comes in from the beet field making a rhetorical statement, "I'm SO tired I can DIE!", the O-bot Homeland Security Youth Squad can knock down his door and drag him away to the firing squad because he didn't meet his daily quota.

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I.M. Craptek wrote: Yes, but since the prols don't think, of what value is "Korrect thought"?
Much like if a tree falls in the woods with no one there is there any sound?