

User avatar
Dearest Comrades,

I would like to wish you all a more morally acceptable day of celebration by inviting you to protest in the streets and the looting/liberation (depending on your personal definition) of greedily hoarded goods by the rich in local neighborhoods. Today I stormed the nicest house on my block and invited myself to their blood bought turkey dinner and before I left some of their house wares and toiletries as well. Their selfish cries of objection and threats of calling the police fell on the deaf ears of all those who slave under them to allow the extravagant lifestyle that to them is more valuable than the welfare of the people.

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I admire your good deed, comrade. I would like to pay thanks for Supreme Leader Barack, Uncle Joe, and the Almighty State. May we be blessed with many more years of free stuff.

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Yes, there is so much to be thankful for: the Welfare State and Safety Hammock™, the 47% Sloth Class that without them we wouldn't realize and enjoy another FOR MORE EARS™ of Caesar O'bama at the helm to guide us into This Tuesday™, and my new self-appointed role as ambassador to the New Plantation™.

And a very special "thank you" to the teachers' unions and state-sponsored skools that without their hard work and dedication over the past five decades in creating a total reprogramming of new Amerikan thinkers and revisionist history, would have us all stuck in the 'too-white' 50s suffering painfully.


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Yes! I am in total compliance with all on this thread! (You know? I actually feel better now!)