
Help the NFL Eradicate the N-Word

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American Football is in a crisis. It needs your help with renaming its premier
organization. As we all now know, the N-word is universally despised and
offensive to all. The N-word is the word whose name we shall not henceforth
speak or write or even remember.

We sincerely apologize to anyone who has been offended by our
previous choice of names, which included the N-word. It was invented
in a long-gone era characterized by manliness, confidence, and white

But we need your help in finding a new non-N-word name that will be
offensive to no one. What we do best is play football, and parade
rainbow colored flags in our end zones. Our wide-receivers and tight
ends are second to none in the hole world.

Therefore, we are leaving it to you, the fans of American Football, to
nominate and select a new name for the game you cherish and love.

Please Help.

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I vote for the Collective (or the preferred spelling, Kollektiv) Football League. This honors inclusiveness and equality among all of the people. And the letter "K" is easier to spell than the letter "N" for the people who graduate from a government-run school.

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For ease of spelling, perhaps change "League" itself to "Kollektive." But I am actually wondering about word "Football" itself. Does not "foot" harm feelings of differently-abled who do not have feet? And does not "ball" harm feelings of government employees who do not have....

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If Amerikka would finally convert to metric this whole "foot" business would go away.

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Comrades, the answer is simple.


We live globally today, in a global world, in a global society, with global warming and global equality for all.

Much as the non-American teams call soccer "football", it's time that America honors the global collective and renames our football "soccer".


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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Comrades, the answer is simple.


We live globally today, in a global world, in a global society, with global warming and global equality for all.

Much as the non-American teams call soccer "football", it's time that America honors the global collective and renames our football "soccer".

Cone of Silence 2.PNG

The effort by some to gradually nudge kids away from football and toward soccer is ongoing. After all, why should we be different than the rest of the world? Who do we think we are, anyway?