
Hillary: It takes a ROBOT not a friggin VILLAGE!

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Hillary, in her eagerness to provide THE solution to the annoying problem of populist insolence, i.e. deplorables, has updated her methods by instituting the use of Robots. While her famous statement “It takes a village” was fabulous and universally understood, she, being the smartest woman in the world, hitched her wagon to a star and chose the new Robot technology to achieve her ends.

As it happens, the goal of having “a village” (collective) decide things coincides exactly with the goals of AI. A coincidence? I don't think so.

While Hillary, brilliantly feigning ignorance regarding the “wiping” of her basement server by saying when asked about it, said, “You mean, like with a cloth? She was just getting ready for her new onslaught against those who oppose her. Very clever.

Here's some of what Hillary is considering: ROBOTS could be capable of outsmarting humans and even taking over the world we live in, an artificial intelligence researcher has chillingly warned.

"One option my colleagues would like to do is build super intelligence, and keep it under human control like an enslaved dog," he said.

"But you might worry that maybe we humans just aren't smart enough to handle that much power."

Also aside from any moral qualms you might have about enslaving superior minds, you should be more worried that maybe the superintelligence could outsmart us. "They could break-out and take over."

Hillary already knows she is one of the “super intelligent.” That's why she embraces this.

p.s: the powers that be would not let me link to them.

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Be afraid. Be very very afraid. And look out for pink elephant robots.

Have another drink, Hillary.

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Here's the link:

Robots can outsmart humans to make us SLAVES before complete extinction – expert warns

ROBOTS could be capable of outsmarting humans and even taking over the world we live in, an artificial intelligence researcher has chillingly warned.

Good luck with it. The link, that is.

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Hillary, in her eagerness to provide THE solution to the annoying problem of populist insolence,
has teamed up with the Home Shopping Network to bring you "Super Intelligent" A.I. Hillary for your evidence clean up needs.

Rosie Hillary.jpg

When it comes to those pesky emails and electronic communication trails she cleans up real good.

Deleting Devices
Bleaching Devices
Losing Devices
Hammer Smashing Devices

Super Intelligent A.I. Hillary doesn't worry about a stinkin subpoena. Feigning ignorance of laws, rules and regulations is no problem. It can be excused away as a 'glitch' like so................

I knew you would want to know ASAP so you could get one on order before they are sold out.

Comes loaded with other features too like the Human Witness Helpfulness button.

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OMG Clara! Thank you for posting this because I finally realized the obvious:


How could I not have realized this before? Brilliant!

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I would like to post a post my wonderful husband posted many years ago regarding this subject. It's in the "Related articles" at the bottom of this page but most of us don't see them.

I want you to see it.

Here it is:

It's entitled: "Burn the Village to Save It." ... 10906.html

Yes, it all makes perfect sense now. Comradette Jodie Foster recently said that she would be a lot more comfortable with robots having guns rather than 'emotional' human beings. We will all sleep much better at night, I just know it . . . With HAL 9000 and Hillary watching over us, what could go wrong?

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Hillary is the Borg queen. But the people have resisted assimilation.
Deconstructing Hillary.jpg

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A hilLIARy robot should be small to match her diminutive intellect to lessen it's impact and reflect her political stature and place in herstory.

And, she should ride a broomstick bike!

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Hillary: Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. We all learned this in the sixties, right?

Prog Off: Since then we have learned that without truth, you got nuthin!

You can't even start a discussion without it. Leftie Stalinists begin their "conversation" with lies. Proceed from there, Comrades! Good luck with that!