
Hillary's Real Logo

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Of course, that is Comrade Ultrakomissar Hillary redistributing wealth by "redistributing" wealth from the bank. She is showing the way for all comrades to follow!

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What? -- she didn't get flag-rank military personnel to carry it for her?

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Nay, comrade Kitty, remember, she "loathes the military" and they cannot be trusted.

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:Nay, comrade Kitty, remember, she "loathes the military" and they cannot be trusted.

Except to hold umbrellas for Komrade Glorious Leader.

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Liberalism 101 Lesson 89:

Rich people are intrinsically evil; all of their filthy money is made off of the backs of the “poor”. Even though many Liberal/Progressive/Socialists have millions or even billions they never qualify as “evil rich” since much of that money is spent to ensure that the truly evil rich are relieved of as much of their wealth as possible so as to equalize income. (See lesson's 33 and 57)

It is the sacred task of Liberal/Progressive/Socialists to share the wealth of the evil rich but that of our own is reserved to bring about the happy day for all when the Marxist Utopia brings the proletariat peasant rubes into line.

Liberalism 101 Lesson 57:

“Private property rights” are yet another tired abstraction that is at odds with the liberal's progressive ideal. Property whether cash, land, structures, vehicles or whatever cannot be seized by the state for the purpose of advancing Progressive policy if yokels are possessed by the notion that such property is theirs by some vague “right”

It should be well known that all property belongs to the state where people who transcend rights by dent of their natural superiority best know who to relieve of those “rights” so that they can be bestowed on the more deserving.

Liberalism 101 Lesson 33:

Hypocrisy is a special word that defines the moral inconsistencies that liberals see in others.

Since there are no moral inconsistencies in liberal thought or applied philosophy, this word has no application in the description of liberals.

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Comrade Margaret,

Thank you for posting the “real” logo of our most esteemed candidate! It is most accurate.

We can only hope that the rest of the proletariat doesn't figure this out because, you know, “honesty.”

Progs do not do “honest” because, doing so would signal their demise. So, there you have it.

Good logo!

Oh, and, awesome post, Kommissar Uberdave!

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RedDiaperette wrote:What? -- she didn't get flag-rank military personnel to carry it for her?
One cannot serve two masters. Comrade RedD. Once The Messiah's term of endearment is over, then our MTE HRC will command absolute servile respect. Patience.

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Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:
RedDiaperette wrote:What? -- she didn't get flag-rank military personnel to carry it for her?
One cannot serve two masters. Comrade RedD. Once The Messiah's term of endearment is over, then our MTE HRC will command absolute servile respect. Patience.
Hillary has her own military to do her dirty work:

Hillarys Flying Monkey Army.jpg

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Konservative_Punk wrote:...Hillary has her own military to do her dirty work...

Korrekt, komrade Punk. Here are some Tea Baggers plotting to access Hillary's email server by attacking and impersonating some of the Winkies on guard outside her Chappaqua Kompound:

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Carrying people's money is thirsty verk, perhaps a refreshing glass of vater with special green electrolyte tablet for hard verking Hillary!
