
Hollywood Activist Mocked in the Big Easy

Our collective heart goes out to our indefatigably altruistic comrade, Sean Penn, who forsook his own self-interest and braved the fetid floodwaters of the Crescent City to bring a bit of professionalism to the otherwise incompetent rescue operations. Unfortunately, Mr. Penn's heroic effort ended prematurely, when his boat sprang a leak and its motor failed, compelling its occupants to have to paddle back to safety.

Not only did Mr. Penn suffer the terrible disappointment of coming up empty handed, he also had to endure the indiginity of being heckled by a Bush PR agent posing as a refugee.

Consider this excerpt from an AFP report filed Sunday, September 4.

With the boat loaded with members of Penn's entourage, including a personal photographer, one bystander taunted the actor: "How are you going to get any people in that thing?"

Such insolence is unconscionable. We must identify this thought criminal and deal with him accordingly. The reporter must be held accountable as well, for daring to print such an unflattering story about our beloved Hollywood activist.

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How dare that person ask one of the superior, intelligent, and more famous people a logic question that points out the stupidity of Sean Penn! He was simply taking a pleasure cruise to watch the misfortune of others like Stalin would tour the gulag. Those people should feel graced to have a multimillionaire tour them like they were animals in a zoo rather than shamelessly ask him for assistance. Why would a completely capable person with tons of money waste it helping disaster victims when they can hold rallies and make other people donate money for them while they profit from the tickets?