
Hope and Change for Intellect in the Heartburnland

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Today my heart has been again filled with pride at the discovery of yet another progressive achievement in one of the deepest and darkest recesses of the AmeriKKKan empire: Indiana. Long known as "the Alabama of the North," Hoosier Dixie has shown an unconscionable tendency to vote against its own interests:

Indiana joined the Union in December 1816. It has been primarily Republican throughout its history, and today is the “reddest” state in the Midwest. Since 1940, it has only voted Democratic in 1964, when Lyndon Johnson won a landslide over Barry Goldwater and again in 2008, when Barack Obama edged John McCain 50% to 49%, in the 3rd closest race of the election (behind Missouri and North Carolina). An interesting factoid: In both 1992 and 1996, Indiana was an island of red, its borders not touching a single Republican-voting state in any direction.

What serial mishaps or misfortunes can cause the voters of any area to work against their own self-interests, especially when they share a border with paragons of progressive thought like Illinois and Michigan? What could cause them to act against their own class-interests? In a word: racism.

Just yesterday, Indiana was a political stronghold of the KKK, the foundation of American "society." Reactionaries do not change their spots overnight, comrades, which explains why Indiana can still consider something as vicious, inhumane, and bloodthirsty as a right-to-work law.

It is from vibrant, scenic, prosperous Terre Haute that the beacon of progressive thought shines to all corners of the world. Home to five-time Socialist Presidential candidate Eugene Debs and "the Terre Haute sound," it is also home to public Indiana State University, a regional stronghold of intellect. Driven ever forward by progressive thought, the number of heroic intellectuals willing to brave the inhospitable weather, the desiccated cultural wilderness, and bigoted citizenry of an existential affront like Indiana is without count. Consider Indiana State University's latest strike for diversity, a serious blow against racial and patriarchal hegemony: "Diversifying the Faculty Initiative" and its exceptional achievements.

2010-11 achievements
• 50% increase in the number of African-American Faculty.
• 28% of 54 faculty hires from a historically underrepresented group.

"This is all outstanding news, comrade," you might be thinking, "but really what is so remarkable? All right-thinking people know that academia is the source of endless progressive success in the face of rightwing Christofascism, corporate greed, the military-industrial complex, and other foes. What is truly special about this particular promotion of diversity, this individual fait accompli against the pernicious DWEM legacy? In short, have you not sidetracked your readers' ceaseless struggles against the class enemy and for social justice by telling us something we rightfully assume as a given?"

To which I reply: No.

What warrants Indiana State University's hiring diversity successes being singled out for singular praise is that they have been achieved without the truly crippling social and personal costs that plague other institutions that labor under false consciousness or have yet to break completely free of historical AmeriKKKan socio-eco-politico chains. To wit, Indiana State University's new faculty of color are spared the gut-wrenching life-shattering insidious acculturation process by which the great regressive AmeriKKKan identity disembowels diversity of existence. What other institution has been so forward-looking as to host such a daring controversial national teleconference: "Achieving Tenure Without Losing Your Soul - Insights for Pre-Tenure African American Faculty," January 31, from 3 - 4:30.

I know you will join me there online, but I suggest you hurry to register online, lest you miss out on your free copy of the acclaimed book The Black Academic's Guide to Winning Tenure Without Losing Your Soul by Dr. Kerry Ann Rockquemore, Ph.D.

Kerry Ann Rockquemore, PhD is Executive Director of the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity. Her scholarship has focused on interracial families, biracial identity, and the politics of racial categorization. She is author of BEYOND BLACK and RAISING BIRACIAL CHILDREN, as well as over two dozen articles and book chapters on multiracial youth. After Dr. Rockquemore became a tenured professor (at the University of Illinois at Chicago), her focus shifted to improving conditions for pre-tenure faculty by creating supportive communities for professional development, writing productivity and work/life balance. Her award-winning work with under-represented faculty led to the publication of her most recent book: THE BLACK ACADEMIC'S GUIDE TO WINNING TENURE WITHOUT LOSING YOUR SOUL. Through the NCFDD, Dr. Rockquemore provides workshops for new faculty at colleges across the U.S., writes a weekly advice column for Inside Higher Education, and works with a select group of new faculty each semester in the Faculty Success Program.

Check your innate racism at the door, colourless comrades, and checkmate racism in academe! When it comes to funding fighting the good fight, no tuition hike is too high!

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One of the things I admire about academe is its respect for traditions. I am proud that they are keeping alive the wonderful concept of racial tokenism, a practice that much of the private sector abandoned decades ago.

"Oh yes, I see you've met Dr. Adams. He's our African American professor."

"Professor of what?"

"Does it really matter? I said, 'He's our African American professor.'"

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Wow Comrade Tovarich!

Until I read your post, I never knew obtaining tenure in our universities required losing your soul! A revelation! (if you'll pardon the biblical reference).

I guess the big shocker for me is the assumption that anyone, especially a Prog, has a soul to begin with.

A puzzlement.

Nonetheless, increasing the tuition ensures the survival of all public universities everywhere where our "administrators," (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) get all the "perks for life!", i.e. "tenure."

Hail teachers! Students be damned!

A brilliant strategy!

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Looks like somebody besides myself has seen " The King and I ".

To those of fewer years out in Cube Land's a movie.

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I denounce Krasnodar for being a closet royalist, and because I am bored.

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I absolutely adore Krasnodar because he is a "romantic."

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Don't concern yourself about this, Tovarichi.

The ladies soon lose interest when they discover that I brush my teeth with a WeedEater.

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That makes you even MORE appealing, Krasnodar!

I have an excellent recipe, and so do my girlfriends, for a scwumptious bwownie (with nuts) with organic WEED as a "secret ingredient"

Howya gonna get outta THIS one Krasnidear? : • )

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Well, I could denounce myself as living in the same State as John McCain.

Oh yeah.... my shoes are Converse High-tops ! They haven't been popular in years.

And my arms and legs look like black 1/4" metal rods. You call that appealing ?Reconsider Komrade Tovarichi..........he's a great guy..... and he's got booze in that flask !

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Komrade Krasno fails to mention other advantages I maintain, like reproductive organs, charm, good looks, witty discourse;

Oh, and incidentally, there's still more booze where that came from,

which exaggerates and improves everything in the previous list...

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Excuse me Comrade T.... those barrels are from Red Square's personal Strategic Spirits Reserve inside his underground bunker.
You had better hope that he hasn't seen this self-promoting photo advertisement to Comradesesses P.

He's very protective of his stash.

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Krasno, who do you think is assigned to guard and protect such strategic resources?

I take it upon myself to insure that nobody has diluted or otherwise tainted the product contained in the sacred barrels of equality...

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For starters, I have a brother who lives in Snottsdale! I visit there yearly, and in my last visit saw a bumper sticker that said "Obama Sucks!" A true story!

You are right to denounce yourself!

However, i do prefer U.S. Keds. They are the most dorky of them all! So, your choice of Converse High-tops gets my attention. A very close second!

Oh yes, and I appreciate your loyalty to your friend, Tovarichi AND your willingness to call him on his BS. You are his true friend. i can only hope that he sees that!

Meanwhile, I've seen his kind before. Guys will say anything to get laid!

Something about him I like, though. I think he probably is a great guy. Just like you say.

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Well, okay....... but first you should ask him if his infection has cleared up... just say'n......

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it's a non-starter, Krasnodar. ...just say'n.

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Pamalinsky wrote:

Meanwhile, I've seen his kind before. Guys will say anything to get laid!

Something about him I like, though. I think he probably is a great guy. Just like you say.

Now that's just hurtful. Image

P-Ski, if all I wanted was to get myself laid I'd have taken us seriously.... I've been playing hard to get, and I hope I haven't hurt your feelings. Be brave, and be strong pretty one. Another Comrade, (possibly one in a Sombrero) will be along to
Image attend to your needs.

and yes, I'm generally considered a decent guy, and a loyal member of the Party™

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Tovarichi, mi Amigo,

While defending yourself, you forgot to mention your witty discourse! One of my favorite things about you! Jeez, Tovi, I've been playing with you as well!

I just loved our "chess game", you know, the one that started with my saying, "Mmmmwaaaah, right back atcha!" And ended with my saying, "Mwwwaaahahahaha!" That's because you made me laugh! You ARE fun to play with! BTW, I don't know much about playing chess. I just wing it! (I'm sure you never guessed that, nudge, nudge, wink, wink) I "checkmated" you, of course, because you left your Queen undefended, as you well know. Therein may lie the "problem." BTW, you don't need no friggin' guys with sombreros! Jeez! Get a pair instead! Just sayin'.

I used the old well-worn cliché (with some truth attached) about guys saying anything to get laid just to get your goat! (for fun) Now you attempt to nullify it by saying you didn't take us seriously. Typical. Now I really AM insulted. (kidding) Hmmm. (Maybe you're now trying to get MY goat!) Just want to be sure we are on the same page. (I think we are)

I think you know this but, just to be sure…………


I never found anything you said unseemly or inappropriate.
You are one of my favorite Cubers!

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Image I believe this is yours? Krasno can get his own goats, but he does some unnatural things with them. They're never quite the same when he's done with them.

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You are quite a gentleman after all, Tovarichi! I'll take our goat! You can have it back anytime you want!

Mmwaaa! (hahaha!)

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Oh please....not another " barnyard animals " thread !
I haven't even fully recovered from the dyspepsia I experienced in viewing all the Bawny Fwank images and commentary....... "camel toe" indeed.

And Comrade Tovarichi....... in his preparations for New Years Eve Most Equal Blowout, Red Square had me weighing his barrels of spirits down at the bunker....
You know, the ones you were guarding a few days ago?

Well, you're not going to believe this, but one of them is a little light. Go figure !

Our leader started to review the serveill...... servaillen..... security tapes just a few minutes ago.

Hold on.......... oh wow.......

Even though I'm on the other side of a foot thick concrete wall at Control Central, I can still make out the sounds of him yelling and throwing stuff around.

So, before your "escort" arrives, is there anything you wish to share before the show trial ?

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Bwaaahaaahaaahaaa! Help! Krasno i can't breathe! Hahahahahahahaha! AHAAAAA! (sometimes ya just gotta laugh) Barnyard animal thread, indeed! Hahahahahahaha! In my wildest animal dreams would I have expected THIS response. Absolutely hilarious! Not quite sure who Tovarichi's "escort" is, ewe, I don't even want to go there. But I can assure you, even though I just love the guy, it sure ain't ME!(I think he got my goat again!)Bwaaahaaahaaahaaa!

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Comrade Krasnodar, am I to understand that you've been unaccompanied and unsupervised in the storage room, and now one or more barrels is light?

Is that what is published on the internets for all to witness?

Back away toward safety , my little Pamski, Spoon-guy may get dangerous when he realizes he's backed himself into a corner...

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All right! Now I know where my bonded bourbon got off to. Jeez, what I have to endure. Every goddamned time a Prog comes to the Rancho, I have to search his luggage before he leaves. Now I'm not going to even try to be subtle about it. Hell I'm going to install a fluoroscope. You cannot believe what Meow can carry out between his legs while wearing a frock coat.

And I'm preparing for Krasnodar. If I'm a judge of prog flesh, and I am, Krasnodar will take more watching than just about anyone else.

You see, most of our Loyal Progs have a short between the headphones. Well there are only two types of progs: ones with a short between the headphones and ones who have wet dreams of concentration camps.