
How to pay the US National Debt

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From the Free University of Zimbabwe Depertment of People's Ecomonics

How to pay the US National Debt

One Magical Word: Hyperinflation!

Here is how it works.

Print some money.

Print some more money

Got lots of money? OK NOW PRINT SOME MORE!

Ok, Once you have printed LOTS of money, now print some more ZEROS on the money!

You're getting the hang of it? NOW PRINT MORE ZEROS ON THE MONEY!

So what is the US National debt? $10 000 000 000 000? No problem, you can pay that with a few banknotes from your back pocket. (Or you can buy a bread with it.)

Amandla Comrades!


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Brilliant! I cannot see any possible downside to this. We will be a People's Paridise like Zimbabwe in no time at all!

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Why bother printing any money at all? Just have G.O.D. say the word, and the national debt will be eradicated. Can't be any more difficult than Creation...

Oh, and He should hire Baghdad Bob as his spokesperson on the national debt.

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It worked in 1923 Weimar, I don't see why not?
And we don't have to worry about a pesky French Army occupying our industrial areas!....The Chicoms hold our debt and industrial areas!

Of course we hold the information sector, so Shhhhhh....don't tell Beijing!

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Ah oui, les pesky French dans la Ruhr!

I have a better idea... let the Chinese have the banks they bailed out. Maybe banking will get cheaper and we'll have more pastic, too...

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Obama's gonna make us all millionaires. I'm going to buy a new wheel barrow so I can carry my millions of dollars to the grocery store each week.

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My dear Comrades. If you lived under my benevolent rule you would all be multi mega billionaires!

Amandla Comrades!


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Comrade Obamugabe, you have an excellent grasp of the profoundest theories underlying People's Economics. Once you have finished with your selfless labors of destroying reforming the economy of your home country, the Party will be honored if you would consider emigrating to Amerikka and helping to totally f*ck up straighten out ours. A great mind such as yours would fit right in with the filthy stinking thieves brilliant thinkers in our beloved People's Congress!