
Jobs Bill Fully Explained (Widest Dissemination)

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It has come to the attention of the party that certain Comrades have been less than enthusiastic in explaining our new Jobs bill and how it will actually work to other proles who may be a bit cynical that this will create jobs.

It is believed that is because we in the Inner Party have not communicated our message effectively enough to the masses to actually understand the brilliance of the plan and that they be able to explain it to all the others in the beet fields. Therefore we have created a visual poster that any prole can understand and they can now really get with the program and promote passage of this glorious piece of legislation.

This will answer anyone's questions as to where the money will actually go.


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Snoogie, does Jimmy Hoffa know that you have this compromising picture of him eating?

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We will collect the funds need for the people. Our new Karl Marx Slight of Hand College is now open.

one at a time.jpg

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TPC, you are perhaps optimistic. It is true that Baby Docobama is a wallet-lifter, but you are underestimating the difficulty of actually prying the wallet from his fingers.

You'll need at least three floor hands and one derrick man wielding 36" pry bars to do that.

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Actually, I thought this was a jobs act, is that a bill? But alas, a rose by any other name, as the say.

jobs act 256.jpg

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TPC, I quite like your Sally Bowles reference; I cannot get hearing her sing, "Money," out of my mind. And it is just. All the progressives and most independents think that wealth is not created but stolen. Which means of course that those of use who believe it, and I do! I do!, must resign ourselves to being fences for stolen property from other people.

And I like it. It's good prog training.

Now. "The fat little preacher," is now, "The fat little Barney [Fwank]..."


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Comrade Theocritus, I thought you would be glad to know that Italy has finally lost its gauche boot iconography to something more tasteful, thanks to the recent S&P downgrade. Socialism improves everything.

italy downgrade.jpg

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Comrade Theo:

I was having a fairly decent evening eating my beet and cabbage mush...........

And then you spring Bruno out of the box !
I never thought beets could curdle.... Bruno's proven me wrong.

What an emetic soul........

" Hey, Tovarichi ..... pass me your bottle of " Liquid Lobo ", would ya' ?"

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Liquid Lobo for all of my friends! Thanks for the opportunity to share, Krasno...

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TPC, do not waste any tears on the downgrading of Italy's credit-worthiness. These are entirely subjective, because with the exception of Egan-Jones, the people whom the rating agencies rate are the people who pay for it.

Just think! Were I a large company or country even, I could slip some cash to S&P and get what I want. After all, Silvio Berlusconi has sent emails about the women he's had lined up outside his door, and I'm astonished that even Three Meds could get that old pecker up. All I have to do is slip some lovely lolly to some bought-and-paid-for credit agency like S&P and Moody's and Fitch's and get what I want. Nookie for an old fool, good credit for junk mortgages based on a fraud by Frank and Dodd. Lies, lies, lies, deception, self-flattery, and lies. I love it. I am a Made Prog.

I check into a fancy hotel, using OPM of course, and I get what I, or rather you, pay for. That's the way it ought to be. So why worry about a trifle like repayment of billions of loans taken to pay for layabout New Uomini who never grow up? (And they do use the English qualifier.)

S&P downgraded Italy a bit ago and was rewarded by a raid and the imprisonment of its Pooh-Bah. And I cannot believe that in the country of Mussolini there was not anyone ballsy enough to tell them not to do it again. I'm serious. A real fascist like, oh, dear Eric Holder, would have made them wish for Tiberius. Except that I'm afraid that dear Eric Holder is nothing but attitude on a bag of hammers. And really, since we're in camera, he's dumb as a bag of hair too.

I mean, would that dear Totalitarian, Chicago thug Rahm Emanuel have been so weak in his response? No! He'd have taken his signature knife and stabbed the mothers. Who stood in the way of progressivism, i.e., the complete dissolution of the civil society into a network ignoring laws but utterly dependent on cronies and What They Can Get Away With™. And when you consider that the Drive-By Media is nothing but the Butt Boy media for our progressive friends, Rahm et al have to up their game. Soon other piranhas will be nibbling at all their exploded parts. Look what Apple did to Microsoft. I fear, greatly fear, that Islam will be even meaner and more dishonest than Lil Barry Baby and Ramh ("Dead! Dead! Dead!") Emanuel and his brother Ezekiel, who wrote the Death Panel and Poor Health and Impoverishment Health Bill.

But then I don't really care. I'm a made prog. A normal prog would be looking to see what's in it for him. But I'm a made prog, so nothing matters to me except the destruction of something which I cannot fathom, comprehend, and which perplexes me because it resists my juvenile tantrums at insisting that the reality that I pull out of my ass is the real reality.

Bear in mind: A Made Prog pulls reality out of his ass every morning, after the digestif of Today's Current Truth beamed down from Laika, Noble Space dog, after he has finished stuffing Pinch Sulzburger's one single gray cell back into his entirely hollowed out and cleaned out brain case.

So it it's an imam ordering people to death or a Commissar, I don't care. Because I do not believe in profiling.

Just the Prog Power of making sure that everyone is completely and totally subjected and mired in the same misery. Better miserable and controlled than affluent, happy and free.

Free. Did I say that?

Jiffy-Lobo for me.

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Comrade Sterpin,

Pick up a shovel and start digging. You are in the Gulag here! No comments from the peanut gallery. gulag gallery. And get yourself to Jiffi-Lobo ™ for a thorough brain-washing! From now on, you must write, speak, eat and waste the people's energy, time and effort, like a true made progressive.

Comrade Father Prog Theocritus,

If Dear Leader can provide someone like Bruno with work, (Comrade Sterpin-that's the lady in the above picture with the Tutti-Frutti Hat), then that is, indeed, a miracle.

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Leninka, Bruno has had some amazing success as a bouncer in a biker bar. He threatens to kiss them and they all ride off as fast as possible on their Harleys.

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" Bruno the Bouncer ". I can live with that.

But job or no, he must still sleep in the Collective's barn.

His presence there really cuts down on our need for pesticides.

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And no rodentia either.

But it's the makeup bills. And do you know how many pairs of panty hose that ape goes through? With those legs?Still, it's supportable. Once I had dear Janet Reno over at the house at the same time as our Many Titted Empress and they told me absolutely the best sort of Weed Eater. Janet as a matter of fact uses a B&D belt sander.

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For what it's worth, the DNC is financing research on belt sanders for Progettes' legs which uses fullerite, which is harder than diamond. The only way though to cut the fullerite is to have Debby Blabbermouth Schultz chew on it.

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I heard Janet N. of DHS fame uses a bench grinder with a 5 "wire brush wheel for combing out her leg hair on the final pass.

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Oh. She's going natural these days? I know that she has a pick up truck that she likes. I know that Bill Clinton talked about the fun on the Astroturf on the back of a pick up truck.

Did Janet get away with murdering innocent people at Ruby Ridge and Waco exercising justice against rabid nuts because she had something on Bill? Or did he have something on her.

And enquiring MTE wants to know.

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The entire jobs bill is quite self-explanatory. "Obama" he gets to name new jobs, the taxpayers get the bill. A new job is projected to cost around $ 238,000 each. If he just sends me the money of the glad to consider myself employed for the good of the gulag.
Last edited by General Confusion on 9/20/2011, 2:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason for editing this post: beets, soy beans and corn.

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GC, let's not forget that the greenest nation in Europe is Spain, where they figure they destroyed about 2.3 jobs for one green one. And that means people are on the dole. How wonderful. More to precipitate a crisis.