
Join Palestinian U.N. Recognition Celebration

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Real revolutionaries (and aren't we all) will join our Palestinian comrades with riotous celebrations in appreciation for the United Nations allowing the Palestinian flag to be displayed in the people's institution. Have you stabbed someone today?


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Comrade Comrade,

All is well according to our friends at Aljazeera;

"...Abbas called the flag-raising a 'moment of hope' and called on the international community to recognise 'the independence of the state of Palestine, peacefully resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict'."
Even young Ahmed Mohamed - recently recognized as the inventor of the digital alarm clock - has contributed to the festivities by inventing the digital bedsheet TV!

Palestinians watch PA President Mahmoud Abbas' speech to the UNGA on a large screen in East Jerusalem


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The flag raising was supposed to commerate the 10,000th rocket firing into Israel!

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I wish I had thought of it: The Palestinian Psychotic Calendar.


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Red Square wrote:I wish I had thought of it: The Palestinian Psychotic Calendar.

Uhh...boss, we're getting word now that Secretary Appreciation Day has been cancelled in order to celebrate the Day of Breast Beating.

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Kelly Ivanovna/келя ивановна wrote:
Red Square wrote:I wish I had thought of it: The Palestinian Psychotic Calendar.

Uhh...boss, we're getting word now that [highlight=#ffff00]Secretary Appreciation[/highlight] Day has been cancelled in order to celebrate the Day of [highlight=#ffff00]Breast Beating[/highlight].
Aren't those actually the same?

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Not feeding?

I've got posters to un-distribute.and have edited. This won't be nearly as fun as it was planned to be.