
Juice Unfairly Protecting Themselves!

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Comrades, it disturbs me greatly - yes, yet again - to announce that the Little Satan (Israel >spit<) has been ACTIVELY AND SUCCESSFULLY DEFENDING ITSELF with their >spit< disgusting "Iron Dome"!

This is extremely unfair!! Palestinians don't have a dome! When Israel gave Gaza to Palestine a few years ago, when the Palestinians promised (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!) that there would then be peace, they DID NOT include a dome! Sure, they left businesses, gardens, parks, and so on intact when they left - and, of course, the always peaceful Palestinians proceeded to rightly trash all that! But no dome. No protection!

Comrades, something must be done. This makes me want to go stand in front of an Israeli tank or something. WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?!? Even the Great Satan (America >spit<) doesn't play unfairly like this!!

And just look at this smug face, will you??

Next thing you know they'll take it the next step and FIGHT BACK!!

Something MUST be done. Someone call Dear Leader!!!

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Don't tell me that the Knuckledragging Palis can't do the job well by themselves.

We are going to have to send over our DЭMOCЯAT Paяty Dэaя Lэadэя to make this a fair fight.

Perhaps we can have the UN deploy their Blue Helmets in Israel to make this a fair fight. Ah, better than that, let's deploy American Troops wearing Blue Helmets inside Gaza...

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Excellent ideas, Jibaro! In fact, I think I'll just put on my honorary blue helmet and wear it around until this is settled and the Juice are driven into the sea there's finally peace!

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Comrades, we need to send in code pink into the bright glow of stardom. It takes true people to buck conventional wisdom and risk career efforts to repeat what progressives and Hamas has been saying for years....and may they be protected from right wing fascists who resent them for their intellectual superiority.

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The number of Hamas missiles fired today (Tuesday) reached over 140, murdering 18-year-old Israeli soldier Yosef Partuk and Israeli Bedouin civilian Alayaan Salem al-Nabari in southern Israel.(Reference)

Surely you must understand the current truth here, the compassion of Hamas. We can not be foolish enough to believe that anyone could be so incompetent as to only kill two people with 140 missiles.

hamas target master.jpg

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Comrade Comrade, what is wrong with the world? All of the mainstream media correctly reports that the peaceful Palestinians are only responding to the disgusting Juice >spit< endless bombings and missiles!

Frankly, if the Juice would just give up Jerusalem (it IS the third holiest site for glorious Islam, and Muhammed was there first, after all), peace could finally reign in the Middle East! But no - the Juice want nothing but to kill innocent women and children who happen to be next door to the Palestinian defensive rocket launchers!


Imagehere are the blue helmets...the only toy soldiers legal in San Fran those are nerf guns by the way

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Need I remind you all that Jerusalem is the "International" capital. It belongs to all of us and not just those evil Zionists. To think of the unfairness of one nation claiming Jerusalem as a capital when we can all share it as OUR capital. This is the result of unconstrained Capitalism, unplanned economies and non-unionized workers. Were we not warned, no good ever comes of it.

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Do not the Palestinians have Allah? Are there not enough prayer rugs to fill their need? As Edward G. Robinson asked: "Where's your [Caliphate] now?"

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Don't be too quick to judge. Remember America's original Boston Tea Party terrorists who violently threw tea overboard. Blowing up a bus filled with people is a matter of opportunity and culture. Had buses existed in 1773, those original American terrorists most certainly would have blown it up instead of wasting their time with tea. All acts of terror are morally equivalent and justifiable, especially when it results in funding subsidies by world governments. Long live foreign aid.