
Just Say No!

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A horrible crime is about to be committed by the people of Indonesia against The One: They plan to tear down a statue commemorating "little Barry" and his childhood there and replace it with "a memorial to an Indonesian identity."


What is wrong with them?

He is The World
We are His children

I mean, the song's being recorded a second time for Lenin's sake! Why don't the Indonesians get it?

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I would hate to impute anything on the Indonesians, but I wonder if they got as much money from Washington as they'd hoped to get?

I cannot believe however that the statue was marketed right. Everyone knows that President Awesome Zero is so fond of himself that nothing is too good. I just don't believe that he knew about this statue for if he did, he'd have found the odd $100 million to take from U. S. taxpayers to give to Indonesia.

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Wah! Such is atrocity! This NEVER happen in Glorious Paradise of the DPRK! Where is no shameful but much adulation for a Dear Leader!

Long Live the JUCHE!

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At least they got the size of his ears right on the statue. Looks very realistic.

Maybe they could recycle it at Disney Land...when the bronze Mickey Mouse is out for routine cleaning and polishing, he could fill in.

He has the same effect everywhere! The kids will love him. He speaks like a third grader, I mean He speaks in a way they can understand. It would promote hope and peace and bring refrains of "It's a small world after all" to the lips of infants. It's for the Children.

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Indonesian identity!? I spit on Indonesian identity! Indonesian identity is worthless! The only merit the country ever had was the housing of The One! Indonesia is a cesspool! All Indonesians are stinking moronic reactionaries with poor hygiene!

...I can't be a bigot if I'm a prog, correct?

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Perhaps the glorious idol can still be saved through cross-cultural understanding: drill it with tiny holes into which to insert Indonesia meat sate sticks; mount idol atop brazier to heat meat as well as enhance The One with Fire™ (for what is not better with Fire™? Just ask Arthur Brown); open head and fill with American cotton candy maker.

There we go: 100% cross-cultural understanding and diversity.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:I would hate to impute anything on the Indonesians, but I wonder if they got as much money from Washington as they'd hoped to get?

This is my thinking too. I'm sure they were promised great sums of taxpayer cash, to build this glorious momument of glorious Leader. This is fault of our greedy, capitalist county....

I have a tear. No, 2. So heartbreaking for little Berry.

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Partitioned Pasternak wrote:Indonesian identity!?

...I can't be a bigot if I'm a prog, correct?

I fear that the Indonesian's have gotten hold of Dear Leader's birth certificate only discover that he's not a natural born Indonesian.

You're correct comrade Pasternak, as a Prog, your good intentions have indemnified you against any charges of racism, tyranny, genocide, sexism, intolerance, homophobia, pedophilia, poor hygiene, poor fashion sense and a host of other naughty things that we routinely accuse our opponents of.

Membership has it's rewards.

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Comrades, this is the second instance of rational reactionary thinking we have seen from Asia recently. The other one, I'm sure you are loathe to recall, is the Indian government's recent decision to establish its own body to monitor the effects of global warming because it “cannot rely” on the United Nations corrupt idiots IPCC panel.

Do we see a pattern here? Indonesia and India - both countries whose names begin with "I"! Not only do both names begin with "I", but it appears twice in each name; only self-absorbed narcissistic countries would feature "I' so prominently in their names. It is not surprising that people so obsessed with "I" are so greedy and selfish. They are so unlike our Dear Leader Obama. Tsk, tsk.

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Comrade Commissar Theocritus:

The Indonesians did get the money that they wanted from our fearless leader Obama. The pay-off for him Moving the statue is an obvious ploy t help further confirms his rightful birth place, Hawaii!


Is "Little Barry's" last name on the statue "Obama?" Would it help if they renamed it "Little Barry Soetoro" and colored the skin darker??

One very disgusting political cartoon during Obama's historic presidiental election for life is shown below, anyone reading it and smirking or laughing is obviously guilty of thought crime.


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One wonders if President Awesome Zero took a TelePrompTer on his honeymoon. When he's not reading a speech or doing something scripted, he has that definite deer-in-the-headlights look.

Well, perhaps for a wedding gift someone gave him a book which had printed on every page, "In! Out! In! Out!" and that was the salvation of his marriage to the Lovely Michelle.

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Comrade Theo:

That book I gave the glorious first couple was not for Obama! It was part of the operating manual for Michelle's brand new extra large strap on!!

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I'm going to have to notice whether President Awesome has lots of sit-down dinners. If his photo-ops are on stairs or in chairs.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:One wonders if President Awesome Zero took a TelePrompTer on his honeymoon. When he's not reading a speech or doing something scripted, he has that definite deer-in-the-headlights look.

Well, perhaps for a wedding gift someone gave him a book which had printed on every page, [HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]"In! Out! In! Out!"[/HIGHLIGHT] and that was the salvation of his marriage to the Lovely Michelle.

That's a win, Theo! This might also be offensive to these Kapitalist pigs:
Image Note the filthy Kulak in foreground...HE'S GONNA GET HIS!!!! (Double Double, fries, and choc shake, YEAH BABY!)

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I heard it was to be replaced with a bust of the Panty Bomber...


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Do not yet forsake Hope™ that the Indonesians will Change™ direction and perhaps whittle the current status down to "little Tele," which would leave the essence of The One intact while allowing enough space for a second statue.

I do wonder whether the new internal policy is that strap-ons (or, in this case, glue-downs or carved-ins) will be used to maintain sit-down dinners. No more standing up to reach over the table for a second helping of arugula.

Why, I think this comrade has found Comradette Michelle's top-down solution to the obesity epidemic.

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Comrade Michelle could make a fortune solving the obesity epidemic. All she needs to do is make a tape without her public face on, showing her mean mouth and yelling. That would put a great white shark off the chum.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:One wonders if President Awesome Zero took a TelePrompTer on his honeymoon. When he's not reading a speech or doing something scripted, he has that definite deer-in-the-headlights look.

Comrade Theo

Please look at the following video about The Big O's home teleprompter. ... leprompter

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Obamugabe, thank you. Since I'm a Made Prog I believe that what's mine is mine and what's yours is ours until I get pry your cold, dead hands off it. So I <a href=" ... php">stole your link</a>.
