
Minnesota Nice–The Dayton Factor

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[highlight=#ffffff]Minnesota Nice–The Dayton Factor[/highlight]

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Minnesota “nice” is being tested these days with a government shut down, an economy declining and unemployment rising. Governor Mark Dayton, a man of principle, is holding tough and refusing to sign the Republican's austerity budget. Insisting on a surtax on rich fat cats, Governor Dayton is refusing his salary while identifying in solidarity with the working people of Minnesota. This time he means it, unlike as senator and promising not to take a salary but changing his mind, for very good reasons we are certain, and taking his senatorial salary in the end. Showing further resistance to increasing unemployment, Governor Dayton has wisely retained his personal chef who would likely have suffered with all other state employees in Minnesota without Governor Dayton's generosity.

Unseen consequences have devastated the mosquito population. With state parks and rest areas barricaded, billions of Minnesota's hungry mosquitos are starving and suffering. Animal rights activists are asked to join besieged state workers in forcing Minnesota's Republican legislators into allowing Governor Dayton to justly tax the rich and put the state employees back to work.
Even though all employees will receive back pay for their time off, we know what a hardship it is for them not to labor at the jobs they love and deserve. We stand with them, fists raised high and placards in hand.

(Some say it is unclear whether employees will receive back pay. I'm taking bet's on it and giving odds.)

Ps: It is entirely too much work to make a decent looking post. Only Central Committee Members are allowed the codes to float images.

PPs: After rubbing the beat juice from my eyes, I found the "float" control.

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Though I'm surprised anyone takes any notice of the goings-on in a second-rate fly-over state, Mr. Dayton is obviously a protector of the proletariat and we should lend our support and screeching hate to the cause. I'd recommend they assign the AFL-CIO and code Pink hit squads to the state legislature but unfortunately they're sorely taxed with their efforts against the reincarnation of the Bu$H!tler in Wisconsin (ie the reviled Gov. Walk-H!tler) For the love of Gaia, the poor starving masses are being deprived of their fundamental right to a state lottery? The INDIGNITY!